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Everything posted by destruct

  1. YO if you want GTA: V for free, the epic games store has it for free right now: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/grand-theft-auto-v/home

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Richard


      We want a FiveM server.  Make it happen.

    3. Unjo


      3 hours ago, Richard said:

      We want a FiveM server.  Make it happen.

      Judging by last time, who is we? People wanting free high ranks online?

    4. Richard


      I’m sure plenty of people want that, but I’m just looking for fun.  

  2. Tbh I'd be for a system that if a medic is more than X km away then requesting for denial just instantly denies you, but you can't request medic again.
  3. @Canadian Stole my old bear avatar smh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Canadian


      isnt it some wildlife photographer

      it is what it is

    3. N7Zero


      is this the same canadian kid that lied about his cancer to get into prime? :papega:

    4. Canadian


      im too dogshit for prime

  4. What ranks have you guys gotten in Valorant so far?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kirby3701


      Never got my key :feelsbadman:

    3. Joce


      Judging by the graphics... Is it on N64 or PS1?

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You know how many times I gotta blow into the cartridge to get my valorant workin 

  5. When you drop 37 and still don't win


    1. Lime


      Ill get you some ibuprofen for your back pains

    2. Vcx


      I dropped 47 and lost by 1

  6. Don't need more rules... just use common sense. Writing a rule for every possible conceivable situation is not something we've done and not something we're going to do.
  7. I'd say a lot of developers use websites like StackOverflow or Google when they're trying to solve a problem and just copy & paste a solution to their programming issue.
  8. destruct


    You've mixed me up with someone lol o7 nonetheless
  9. Chapter 7: Do not harm R&R 2. Never steal, rob, or harvest a kidney of an R&R member for any reason. 2. Never harvest a kidney from, steal from, or rob an R&R member for any reason. 1. Exception: R&R vehicles negligently unlocked by an R&R member may be 'stolen'. Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing 6. APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules. 1. Exception: APD members playing the role of hostage negotiator may not be taken hostage before/during hostage negotiations. Chapter 18: Miscellaneous 13. Betting outside of the scope of the windows-key betting option for purely monetary bets is not allowed. (e.g. Using the money transfer mechanic for a bet which could otherwise be done with the windows-key -> bet player option)
  10. Just created this real quick, if you guys want to play VALORANT with groups within the community:


  12. Hello Olympus peoples, As of previous, I don't necessarily know if we've written it down anywhere, but, we (admin. staff) only looked at player reports had the evidence been within two weeks of the event happening in-game and the player report being submitted. However, due to recent events, we are changing that policy to just a 1 week time period due to some malicious actors. So, going forward after midnight (EST) of April 4th 2020, we will no longer look at player reports if the period between the event being reported and the player report being submitted is in excess of one week. One week should be plenty of time to submit a player report on whatever violation you'd like to report in-game. Do also note that this one week time period does NOT apply to reports pertaining more serious violations (Scripting, DDOSing, Duping, Mass RDM, etc.), but DOES apply to the more common rule breaks (RDM, VDM, NLR, Combat Log, etc.). Thanks, Olympus Administrative Staff
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