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Everything posted by destruct

  1. If you try to rotortap and someone explodes in the process or as a result of the rotortap you dun fucked it up
  2. Welcome to online gaming? You new here or something? It's going to happen dude, shake it off
  3. @Hadi Mokdad Don't you have some sick stuff going on? TAKE THAT PRIZE
  4. Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork. Bork bork bork bork? Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork. Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork. Bork bork bork bork. bork bork bork: bork
  5. New profile song is a banger btw

    1. Tacosmell


      YO i saw them live haahhaha 

    2. GregoV1


      Waste of time, give me my 10 seconds back.

    3. yungxanwiththeuzi
  6. People don't like them because they send them to jail and take their bounty. When people don't like something they call them names.
  7. This is the best shit ever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeadPool


      I mean its better than getting hit off amiright

    3. Ryan


      Retard NEVER test my downvote ability

  9. o7 dude
  10. destruct


    @Arigato Stole your fire
  11. CS:GO 10 mans in 30 minutes.

  12. Pretty sure Direct Chat volume relies on efffect volume, not sure though.
  13. Not a part of this situation, don't really know what happened. Wasn't there.
  14. Thanks to all of you for joining me in the 5v5 matches we had, was a blast. Hope to do it again.

  15. 2014 Hona Civic EX, now 2019 Honda Insight Touring
  16. Make an R&R application in the support section of the forums, include a good narrative and specifically request an R&R age exemption. DO NOT lie about your age. Once you create an application, we will reply with further information.
  17. https://www.spotify.com/us/student/ Spotify Premium + Hulu + Showtime $4.99/Month
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