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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. Just paid my house tax for the first time can confirm bigger scam than the casino

  2. 0531e5b7b2fe56fe0ce74adb81b4d616.jpg

    The end result of one of my recent pvp situations on SOT 

  3. ba00836364dfa1edfa5e6c6b89001b06.png

    please fix s1 restart, hasn't restarted for like 9 hrs.

  4. @CocoisDead

     yeah civs are bad @_@

  5. What a man gotta do for that 2016 Athira rebel

  6. congrats strae on what exactly?


  7. Kids be out here losing 25man feds we just got a 9man fed no medic 13mil zzzzzzzzzz

    1. Strae


      1 minute ago, CaloomClark said:

      Im talking shit as it's funny after every fed someone like monks is on the forums chatting shit lmao so when we sit them down, gotta chat shit.

      It's mostly monks, every now and then if we stomp too hard i make a status update but not as frequently as him.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. NGL this video is actually pretty entertaining. He do be spitting some facts. Kind of shows how a lot of ppl don't understand economy/business


  9. @rabid imagine simping this hard only to get turned down....again

    1. Strae


      4 minutes ago, billdroid said:

      Yooooo kaydar is a racist and I’ve reported him to sr support team but they just brush it under the rug

      billy are you ok last i heard you were looking out your window after getting falsely removed from support team 🙏😞

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. @Zahzi wont give me teal fire behind my name o7


  11. i consent to @Jig getting all 821 of my warpoints 

  12. I'm here to roleplay



  13. yo how much money i got in my olympus bank account. trying to put out a hit

  14. Howdy Partner, you have a warrant out for your arrest.

  15. So when was the last time @Kedar posted something intelligent. All I ever see is 1 word posts like "True" and "Lol" 

    Stop trying to farm e-rep nerd

  16. No way Dream in that desert temple wasn't scripted

  17. Arma 2.0 update everyone!

  18. Houses, vehicle names, etc should all be fixed on stats page & life control. Casino and conquest stats will be coming soon.

  19. Unrelated to the retarded dev vs sapd speds, yet still amusing ^_^ @APD Member


    1. Strae


      im underage why is she eating pizza like that

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. @Claysive

    vigi scum deserved it.


  21. Big throw back


    im gonna get my girl to play arma so follow so you can harass her for me 

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