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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Can confirm. Been there twice. They have great pizza! Besides, Canada gave us greats like Keanu Reeves and Kiefer Sutherland. But they also gave us Nickelback...
  2. Lucki


    @McDili loves Necroposts! And holy shit @Dante I bet you had a MySpace that was completely black themed with some Girugamesh playing in the background.
  3. I can't believe I just went through that ENTIRE FUCKING Vine Playlist. Thanks assholes.
  4. People bitch about cops being able to jump into civ cars at a whim, making roadblocks less effective, moving illegal vehicles, etc. Cops now have to do an action to unlock the car.
  5. I'd rather be not remembered at all than be remembered for the wrong reasons.
  6. Just going to leave this here... https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-charges-college-student-sexual-exploitation-minors
  7. That's all I got out of it.
  8. You've also been banned in 4 times in 1 month. Most people don't get banned that often.
  9. My childhood games consisted of Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and GTA 2. And occasionally Backyard Football/ Basketball / Soccer.
  10. Now if we could get some time-stamps for when those happened on stream, that'd be awesome! Though also a pain to figure out...
  11. Terrible grammar but good sentiment. Yeah, video games suck life out of you. I was able to play with some of my RL friends, so it kept it somewhat social. I recommend you find some extra-curricular activity at your school. I worked backstage at my theater a lot which was pretty sweet. You get to do all sorts of dangerous jobs, while chilling with like-minded not super social people. You also get the added benefit of laughing at all the over-dramatic actors. That was a nice regulator for my time. Looking back, I really enjoyed my time in high school, and miss those days. You will not have such a good combination of free-will along with the ability to be care-free again. Use it wisely. College is fun, but if you mess up in college, you're wasting tuition money. Most high schools are free and have all sorts of free resources.
  12. I just want to take a moment and make sure that people realize that "Lucky" and myself are not the same person... I keep hearing my name in TS and realizing that its not me people are talking about.

    1. Jwilly


      so ur the retard who is saying that olympus is getting shut down and cyber bullying is a federal crime? lol ur such a retard

  13. Lucki


    Oh no, someone called you out on the internet so you have to go up in arms to defend your e-peen. Let me get out of your way.
  14. Lucki


    Lets calm down a bit boys.
  15. Officers have been receiving disciplinary action - usually in the form of a demotion or removal - for the better part of the life of Olympus whenever they quoted any rules. This has not been formally stated in an easily accessible place, which has often resulted in people being surprised by a removal. With this, we are also going forward with the policy of allowing some rule quoting, as long as it does not break RP, and is constructive in nature. Until this point, people have been afraid of saying anything when being wronged, and have only had the option of filing a report against the officer. This is not as effective as it does not offer the rule-breaking officer an opportunity to learn from and correct the situation in the field, but rather often results in a punishment after the fact. It is our hope that officers will use this for the general betterment of APD, and to improve the gameplay for all parties involved. If you are being at all toxic, or quoting incorrect / non-existent rules, then you are subject to disciplinary repercussions. Basically, if you're quoting rules, but everyone leaves happy, you should be fine. Chapter I - Professional Standards Conduct Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules. Officers are expected to treat all players with respect. This is a two way street. Officers are expected to obey the directions of higher ranking officers. Street language is not frowned upon in the APD, you may RP freely as so long as you don't cross the lines of harassment, racism, and other extreme vulgarities. Officers that do not intervene when other officers are breaking rules are subject to discipline, depending on severity and on a situational basis. Role Playing Officers are expected to role play in every scenario they encounter. Officers are expected to maintain their character in every scenario they encounter. Rule quoting while on duty as a cop or off duty may be met with disciplinary actions. If a situation arises where you feel that you were wronged, you may try informing the person in a constructive manner. If a report is submitted, it will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  16. Did you miss the part that I bolded and underlined?
  17. I'd avoid the leaving them restrained part...
  18. Finally got a chance to install my RMA'd SSD. Boot up times have gone back down from 5 minutes to about 10 seconds. Not to mention Windows actually working at a decent pace now. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      Nice. You'll love the frames you get.

    3. PoptartRex


      2 hours ago, DINGUSDEAN said:

      Nice. You'll love the frames you get.

      He had an SSD before. It has just been weeks since he has really been able to play since his other HDD is too slow. 

    4. Dangus
  19. Wheres my @. Fuck you. O7
  20. I'm guilty for wanting to know why you randomly got swatted for supposedly having that, even though you allegedly didn't?
  21. My deepest sympathies Gidgit. Hope life picks up for you. If you ever need to talk, just hop in TS and reach out.
  22. People bitch that we check red zones. People bitch that we sit in cities where people spawn. People bitch that we camp gang sheds. What's next? Bitching that cops can send you to jail without physically driving you there?
  23. Well, my SSD has seemed to have gone belly up. Going to still try a couple things tomorrow, but if that doesn't work out, might be a bit before I can actually play. I'm a little strapped for cash atm so I'm not entirely set on buying a new drive for another week or 2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. User_0000
    3. Sociopathic


      So, what your saying is that the $50 will have more sway now eh?

    4. silton


      I could use a get out of an free card or unblacklist

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