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Everything posted by ivy

  1. ivy

    why tf has this guy got my forum name ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monks


      bro wtf this some scooby doo shit

    3. Noahhh!
    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      this is fuckin hilarious

      somebody actually swapped it and got caught LOL

  2. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Flannels/ 76561198267952801
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/-Freddie-/#sort=order
  4. PM me, willing to pay a good amount i am very desperate
  5. Willing to pay decent amount DM me any offers
  6. nty
  7. WTB | DP22 3 / 4 crater pm me with offers xx **FOR SERVER 2**
  8. p
  9. k
  10. o
  11. You got the wrong person mong not played this server in months and never been to kav :/
  12. your ego is actually beyond cringe at this point
  13. who gives a fuck cyber bullying isn't real
  14. ivy


    what did you do lmao

    1. drama


      lmao not actually him. I banned him over here and he changed his name to that and tried to reconnect. 

  15. Sums up Americans tbh
  16. how the fuck are you so poor if you put that many hours in?

    1. TheKronos
    2. CHEECH


      my friend went to this girl on my streets crib and her dad asked him what his name was and he said i play on the basketball team.

  18. ivy


    so this cretin seems salty about something so he downvoted all my shit Throwback to when he pretended to be @Tiger on phoenixrp
  19. used to happen to us and the reason for this is if someone sold a backpack worth the market wont drop until you start selling. not sure if this is just a coincidence though
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