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  1. bit of a coincidence that @Connor McGregor gets permed then server blows up lol someone mad


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      bye cheater 


    3. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Or Connor got banned

      Then you bombed the server and are now blaming it on him


    4. Josh


      Actully think its @EricZ Blowing up the servers 

  2. stfu randy banned die ti kids

  3. @EricZ alt global for dune zzzz

  4. People hacking s2 so blatant

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      best thing is join support or message an admin on TS not put a status update.

    3. Ryan


      Must be using c. menu ;D

    4. Masonn


      90% of the time support is useless they'll just say log a ticket 

  5. how much for mk1 and type
  6. 3.2m
  7. 20m bet anyone?

  8. 1.5
  9. 1m
  10. 500k
  11. @MAV why do me and @|Casper| get banned for having c.menu in are name as a joke but others are okay to have a actual cheat in there name? .dune

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RambleR


      I remember using a "name" that caused the apd to crash when they highlighted your name on the wanted list. Was a good time until gary found out haha

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      1 hour ago, RambleR said:

      I remember using a "name" that caused the apd to crash when they highlighted your name on the wanted list. Was a good time until gary found out haha

      You dare come here and try having some fun? NOT ON MY WATCH!

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      Why dont you just pm him on the fourms instead of posting the question to the status updates :)

  12. 5fb03df4dd10ea274602d1b5db26d854.png


    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. -dante-


      Imagine calling @MAV a retard a bunch of times to get your way. The irony in that. Y’all act way too tough for an Internet forum. 

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      holy fuck. What is happening. I didnt bitch/baby rage this much.

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      2 hours ago, Drippp said:

      You teamplayer retards just aren’t liked deal with it 


  13. Page

    Selling items

    @|Casper| is selling a armed prowler offers I am selling a AT Offroad offers
  14. Page

    [WTB] Tasers

  15. Are you in Prime? Are you in synergy? Are you in Vital?
  16. Page

    o7 Rez

    Bye [ - ] Rez
  17. Happy birthday @tacosmell [ - ]

  18. I've missed u
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