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Everything posted by CIA JOSH

  1. @hawk is ruining gang life...JK, hes bad at the game so thats impossible
  2. Whoever added the cops online thing when youre dead is beautiful

  3. Congrats @ikiled on becoming even more of a nerd :P

  4. Don’t need a narrative for APD
  5. That’s a heroin garage
  6. Does anyone else ever sleep like 8 or more hours and then still be tired during the day and just be “Da Fek”?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      It’s because when you sleep say 6 hours the night before then sleep 8 the next your body runs on the previous nights sleep and another factor is you aren’t on a schedule if you sleep schedule keeps changing 

    4. Guest


      Yup here

  7. Stop hating on him just because his favorite colour is red
  8. I’ll keep everything except glass and lockpicks. Keeping scrap metal is a personal preference really since it doesn’t sell for a whole lot but dropping it will make the run a lot longer so that’s why I just kept it
  9. One thing I would like to add to this would that if the person is willing to waive their rights then they must be placed into a panic room. I feel like the other half of not processing while shots are happening is to ensure everyone’s “safety”. Sort of like how you can call it not a factor if no one is being hurt
  10. Nothing better than getting into warzone and seeing window, vendor, and banana rocks just covered in hatchbacks
  11. DyN isn’t a thing. Change name
  12. Was in an HQ for over an hour one time and at one point a deputy unrestrained me and then combat restrained me for no reason...so +1
  13. Both are good just Mk18 has a much faster fire rate so if your planning on being up close and personal then thats the go to
  14. RIP @max^s Hairline...2000 like 9 or something - 2018

  15. Support team hit 25,000 tickets :POGCHAMP:

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Its almost as useless as civ rep...or at least a bad one anyways

    3. MAV


      So for the first half your mostly correct and the majority of those 25k are assisting new players or mediating comp / conflict...

      I'll say that there has been on more than 1 occasion where those who want to see into cop / mod / etc channels join support to get those perms... But to be fair those folks are few and far between and usually don't last.. I'd say with the current roster the vast majority of support team are there because they want to help or because they want to prove themselves and get more involved before putting in a mod app..

      I'm sure there is 1 or 2 that has fooled us and are doing the minimum to keep their perms... But such is life... The effect of them doing minimums to maintain ts perms is so little. The work the majority of support team is doing to help be a buffer for the mods, a punching bag at times, and even a referee still serves it's purpose...

      There is more then just ts perms and telling someone how to unlock a car to support... I get you don't like support...that's fine and your opinion, but hopefully the above better informs you on what support team does...

      Also, if support were useless, then people wouldn't continually join the support channel for help... Which happens hundreds of times a week...

    4. Vcx


      Yikers I'm irreverent in an online world/video game i haven't heard that one a million times. Tells me to go outside but him and his gang brag about being relevant on Arma 3 cx

  16. 201.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001k
  17. congrats you tree rat @Hylos

    jk :D

    1. Hylos


      thanks man and always will be xd

  18. Nope its @ThatNerdyGuy undisputed
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