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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. I know I said small events but this sound lit. Give one random guy like super OP gear and have him hunt some rook bangers. Give him like thermal NVGs with like a mar 10 so he has to be accurate and can’t spam.
  2. That’s why I said smaller events. They don’t really need to involve some super armed vehicle, just a creative idea really
  3. Btw looking for smaller events that like a single staff member could do.
  4. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas for new events. Obviously there are limitations on what can actually be implemented and such but not gonna lie...Roulette and Demo derby are pretty boring after a while lol. No disrespect though
  5. @Strikke Drink 5 bottles if your country was invaded during WWII
  6. Drink the whole bottle if they don’t have a push to talk Break the bottle over your head if it’s FluffyTeddy (This one is saving you btw)
  7. I’m not old enough to drink but fuck it. Alcohol poisoning HERE I COME Also these two alone will kill the entire roster
  8. I’d like to report the staff member @Strikke. He is unbelievably toxic and rude. Also I think he is from like Ukraine or Malaysia or something. Thank you 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @DashToxic I mean at least he saved you from the vigis 

    3. DashTonic


      @communistjosh I got caught when he rev me

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Mercury is a vigi sympathizer. @Mercury Trotsky is better and will now seize control of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic 

  9. Uruguay is not an actual place. It’s where the Brazilians keep their garbage 

  10. Make the dope truck only pullable at hospital so some monkey on cap doesn’t just pull it. Make them drive it there
  11. @Jamie Can spawn money now but will still be the brokest man in kavala

  12. @codeYeTi I’m a little short of things in my garage. Think you could help pal? <3
  13. Has anyone ever played arma? It’s this game I play sometimes, was wondering if anyone else did

    1. silton


      wow dude you are soo funny HEHEHxd

  14. Hearts of Iron 4 Mass Assualt Doctrine
  15. Applications are now closed as we have found our new lead designer
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