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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season


    Umm how is this HEADASS a APD offcer, he legit is making VXPD he is in like a 14 year old gang

  2. You must send @Dante a pizza but you actually have to pay for it. You also have to tell them to send their cutest delivery boy or Dante WILL NOT accept it
  3. Damn I see they give FTO to anyone now adays. You dont even have to speak English. CONGRATS STRAE :wub: <3333

  4. Ryan is now officially my second favorite staff member. Right behind the boy @Jamie
  5. I hate hockey almost as much as I hate @Kyle Lake:DPEducated:

    1. -dante-


      Won’t ban you because you’re playing for the right side. Fuck Kyle. 

    2. JAMIE


      who fixed your shit

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Couldnt tell ya, -2 Billion was a nice flex though

  6. @Dante I’m gonna need that comp for my Orca or the Penguins are gonna be playing Water Polo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      So what I’m hearing is... RANDOM VEHICLE DESTRUCTION!

      @Peter Long I’d like to file a report on this hockey loving, lethals loading, rule breaking, potential Canadian.

    3. -dante-


      13 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      So what I’m hearing is... RANDOM VEHICLE DESTRUCTION!

      @Peter Long I’d like to file a report on this hockey loving, lethals loading, rule breaking, potential Canadian.

      I ain’t no Canadian. I’m ALL AMERICAN BABY

    4. ItsGG


      PFfft he wishes he was canadian

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. JAMIE


      drama is in bully mode today aye

    3. MAV


      43 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      I’m couping you 

      thats already in motion ;)

    4. hawk


      1 hour ago, draMa said:

      @Ryan sorry buddy running an attack and defend server doesn’t qualify you to lead the support team as graciously as @hawk does



      1 hour ago, Ryan said:

      I’m couping you 

      B E T

  7. @ThatNerdyGuy Eta on when your gonna tell him there is no other vehicles?
  8. Who is @AstralC

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      9 minutes ago, mon5t3r said:

      No I'm his dad @Strikke

      Can’t get underage exceptions but is apparent dad 

    3. monster
    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Oh no what have I done 

  9. @hawk is ruining gang life...JK, hes bad at the game so thats impossible
  10. Whoever added the cops online thing when youre dead is beautiful

  11. Congrats @ikiled on becoming even more of a nerd :P

  12. Does anyone else ever sleep like 8 or more hours and then still be tired during the day and just be “Da Fek”?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      It’s because when you sleep say 6 hours the night before then sleep 8 the next your body runs on the previous nights sleep and another factor is you aren’t on a schedule if you sleep schedule keeps changing 

    4. Guest


      Yup here

  13. Stop hating on him just because his favorite colour is red
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