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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. Who the fuck uses explosives on gangsheds.... Just put a tempest in the door and close it.
  2. How is my comment at all towards Milo? Lmao @ buckie
  3. I'm gonna skull fuck your carrot farm

  4. Server removal for dropping the hard R a few times is wild

    1. Show previous comments  46 more
    2. silton


      @ Grandma Gary  Tell the medics that

    3. -dante-


      What mighty said is accurate. We also discuss things in notes that we disagree with or have opinions on fairly often. 

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lots of love. No hate. 😛 

  5. o7 @ ThatNerdyGuy . I went from stream sniping your streams as a PO to make sure my runs were safe to support team with you, to then becoming staff with you. Always enjoyed our talks about whatever the fuck it may have been about whether it was sports, APD, the server as a whole, etc. One of the most level-headed people I know who can see both sides of arguments.
  6. Today seems like a good day to have tacos

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Badserverbadplayers


      Fat??? Also where u getting them my boy 

    3. Clashingtin


      Mhhhhh just love a good taco mhhhhhh 

    4. silton


      Wouldn't mind a lil tortilla myself.

  7. Proportionality to federal events is pretty retarded IMO. If you do a federal event you should expect to fight mass cops. It was the same shit back in 2018 and even older. People didn't cry about the APD numbers. A federal event is not meant to be done by a handful of civs. Cops should not have to "reduce" their numbers fighting the feds just because you have only a few people. The only question of "proportionality" that I can agree with is the excessive use of something such as armor waves. As far as numbers go for cops on responding, proportionality should not be accounted for. APD has a shit mentality. The majority of them dread any federal events which IMO is retarded... I might be dogshit but I still enjoy fighting feds even with only having a taser ;(. I can understand it at feds when the civs are using all BW gear to combat it, that can be aids, but the game is the game. When civs do feds against ~5 cops or close to the minimum required at that federal event, the cops are basically guaranteed to lose. This is because the APD have no interest in participating in feds nowadays. Back in the day people would mass join if a fed alert went off, now no one besides a handful of people will join to fight them. The APD also has horrible leadership at federal events. The majority of the federal events I've participated in the Sr. APD are quiet and don't strategize. There are only a few that actually will like @ Caden . The retired Sr. APD members strategize better than current ones. Some of the best Sr.'s to compete against federal events like ChrisGG would strategize and would say "if you don't go gate 4 your being demoted/removed for insubordination" and crazy concept ALL THE COPS DID IT, and feds would be won. Both sides will bitch and complain. I just dk why the people with the most money on the server, most experience, the same broken gang base that they abuse against the APD, etc. are the people that cry the most. You cause the most cancer at federal events with zafirs, armor stack, etc. and then cry when a fed doesn't go your way.
  8. Fuel cans no longer usable while in a vehicle or in Event @ Milo YOU RAT. HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY DEMO DERBY STRATEGY AWAY
  9. Are the pilot coveralls stackable?
  10. I'd like to think I contributed to this SIGNIFICANTLY in the past ^_^ You went from a great mod/admin to a great Sr. Admin to then a biased Owner (I called it when u got it) to then a good owner. there is some entertainment
  11. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  12. o7 bud. One of the chillest and nicest people on Olympus. Fuck you and your phone tho frfr. The amount of times I had to fix your bans cuz you did player reports on your phone was astronomical. Love you tho. You got me on snap you can always hit me up for anything bitch.
  13. I'm not saying you should have. Either way we were just trying to have fun. Not like we were actually tactically trying to stop you guys or some shit.
  14. no one even shot them until you literally titaned us all which we all went down.
  15. Just stumbled upon this old gem


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orbit


      THIS IS A GEM!

    3. JoeL



    4. jig


      ah yes the good ol days when headless would just go ape shit on anyone. i remember that guy always tried to grill me when we disagreed on something when we were senior apd.

  16. @ Milo  unfortunately my Shadow play bugged and didn't clip the whole thing...


  17. My issue with suicide vest and killing people in restraits is its too easy to kill them with it. People with a high bounty that get captured by the APD or Vigi will easily just get saved vy a friend who buys a sui vest and blows it up near them. You could parachute into an HQ from high up and the APD could have no clue. Yeah no that definitely is how it is. If you run in an HQ and the APD decide to be stupid enough to engage you while you have a sui vest on that is fair game to blow it. That is the one time you can kill people in restraints with a sui vest.
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