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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. You used to be able to get the full price of the vehicle u impound so people would meta and have someone in civ spawn a illegal vehicle or expensive vehicle then impound it and repeat. I think by the end of it there was like 78 mil duped maybe more cant remember. Everyone that did this got permed as well so yeah
  2. If people know loopholes they aren't going to reveal them otherwise they will get patched. Biggest loophole I know not involving rules was the old Medic impounding system.
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198122663605/#sort=order <3
  4. Boats are broken you cant enter them when swimming /help doesnt even work You cant invite ppl to your faction without a internal error occuring so /f invite name doesnt work
  5. I hope you realize they have been on the leader boards with that much money for a extremely long time
  6. Only downside I see is if u get Epi'd after being lethaled by Cops you have to get dope at hospital within 7 minutes
  7. Make it so No cops are allowed, tasers are allowed (Only way u will have Vigis stay) and tell people to target Vigis
  8. I fucking died of laughter watching these


  9. ty for not just giving up on the community and actually help out if needed <3
  10. Do u know roughly what time these may start
  11. Compensation requests are about to skyrocket

  12. Damn didn't know TheCatsMeow could reverse time


    1. monster
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      The power of money

    3. ikiled


      Yeah he paid us $30 mill to take off a few hours

  13. So is the Easter egg hunt for all factions, or just for civ...
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SPBojo


      7 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

      You know im streaming right?

      Who r u? :Kappa:

    3. Bloodmoon


      You're right my monkey hands don't have the dexterity to write a paragraph :FeelsBad:

    4. Ebzekro


      Just now, Bloodmoon said:

      You're right my monkey hands don't have the dexterity to write a paragraph :FeelsBad:

      rekt by evolution bud

  14. Honestly this rule about the Sui vest and other explosives with houses you can't complain much about because it was Civs that caused it to be created. A while ago Majestic did this to his house he got banned and within a week that rule was 'fully' implemented into the rule book. after I believe it was Edge was going to search it
  15. I mean the fact is, even @Edge knew not to engage cuz then you could have blown the sui vest, BUT since u engaged and intentionally blew up the shed thats why u got banned. Listen to Edge's perspective and u would realize ur mistake
  16. Usually when this happens whoever last accessed my house I just tell them to access it again and it usually fixes it. It has to be the person who bugged it to access it and unbug it. Or just wait for restart
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