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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Let this serve as notice that the Government of Altis is looking into these alleged violations of medical malpractice. Any posts/comments from the respective factions will be used in this judgement.
  2. It was just a meme @Drippp, get a grip

    1. Drippp


      cant tell w u, you'd be the type to perm over that

    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Yeah totally that type, crying emoji

    3. Drippp
  3. @rabid
  4. damn it was real fam
  5. I swear to god some of you guys put on the Ronald McDonald shoes the INSTANT you wake up

  6. How are you gonna put me second on the list lmfao
  7. rooked 2 geared players on cap that is a fucking like from me
  8. what would you like to know about a certain sus gang member mr fbi agent phil?
  9. @Hurricane I’m tryna womp you irl, Square up

    1. Hurricane


      I don't want to get in trouble for beating up a minor

  10. it was medic of the month bloodmoon get it right idiot
  11. cant break rules if they dont exist amirite @ChrisGG
  12. Anyone from OKC hmu

  13. @coopacarp You are the biggest pile of shit I have ever come across. Imagine defending a CONVICTED child predator cause he was your gang leader. SICKENING. 

    I'll say the same thing to ANYONE who defends that awful human.




  14. the life of a new arma player:


    1. Noahhh!


      It's odd seeing your name in red on the forums 😉👏

  15. Real talk, say sum and I’ll pull up with the shooters:

    @Pete Malloy


    @Fat Clemenza

    Was fun shooting with you lads 🔫🔫🤣

  16. Yes, we’re aware of the site issues. When we know something, you will too.

  17. Will buy all for 35 rn
  18. Sting for 3m
  19. serious 5m offer here
  20. -1 wouldn’t trust
  21. make a retired co-owner tag just to trigger @Pledge
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