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Everything posted by indian

  1. Vigi is way too profitable as well. Tier 3 vigi as of rn is pretty much patrol officer with close to no guidelines and at least double-triple the money cops make.
  2. wayyyyy too much. I still think that the 80% rank 3s get is too high for how little work is neccessary in order to obtain rank 3.
  3. Congratulations @DeadPooL, definitely something I would have never expected.


  4. I legit don’t want to post my montage or want to just post it with what it has now and give up because I lost a sick 4 piece against ambition 2 weeks ago. Stood up and tapped a kid on banana rocks then reloaded and killed 2 or 3 kids pushing me with one mag. I was so happy with myself after and when I clicked alt f10 nothing happened so I did alt z and my shadowplay was off because my drive was full.
  5. congrats to @draMa and @Stuuurrt but where's @Ryan's promo at??


  6. still my favorite mw2 edit to this day https://youtu.be/x_P-cxawTLQ

    please help me

    1. sleazy turd racoon
    2. darn fool
    3. MAV


      Look between legs... Boom gender... The idea that gender and sex are different ideas is insane... There are many things your can choose in life... Whether you have an x or y chromosome is not one of them.. change my mind

  8. maybe they’re just good at picking apples
  9. for most people, the case is once a hacker, always a hacker and that’s probably going through staff’s minds when they’re banning kids that are permed for scripting, lagswitching, and hacking.
  10. Congratulations Mr. Maduro! @Strae

  11. As long as there are actually punishments for people that camp gunstores, I’d be glad to stop by Kav later.
  12. I might've not understood half the shit you've just said but it sounds good to me!
  13. wait... so what actually happened with the servers, website and what not?
  14. I got shotgunned at least 3 times yesterday and people have been tanking mad shots to only die a couple seconds later. Servers have definitely been fucking up recently and I wonder if there can be some ez fix to this mess.
  15. All of these recent updates to federal events that I am aware of seem to me as either indirectly or directly APD buffs. With this R&R update, medics will have less of an incentive than when they got taken hostage in the first place to do anything at feds because they will now get nothing for sitting in a box scroll wheeling “Give Dopamine” for 25 minutes with the rare chance of running across fed for a revive or two. At full strat feds, I fear that medics won’t revive anyone and that they will end up being seen in mid doing karate emotes until lethalled. And with the dome strat nerf, the back door can be opened and leave the civs getting shot from the front and back instead of just from infront.
  16. Medics made barely any money at fed events to begin with. Not sure what this change is for.
  17. There has been some issues with s1 today. Earlier while I was on medic, the server wouldn’t soft restart for over 10 minutes
  18. Change the title of this question/topic to “What gang are you in?”. This title will actually explain why everyone is choosing their own gang.
  19. the picture of him sitting casually in his car with an AK beside him
  20. Happy Birthday @Hadi Mokdad #HadiForCivRep



    1. indian


      If you see this, please send me some tabbouleh; the nearest half-decent Lebanese resteraunt is an hour away from my house.

    2. Guest


      haha my man,. tabboule is the best :wub:

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