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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. Go damnit are you telling me I now have to pay taxes on my Bomos island house? I cant even get a break in a god damn video game
  2. The beef out here is wild as fuck. Just come to my island with some boxing gloves and duke it out @Millennium @Kamikaze @Mr GOAT. RULES: No under the belt shots, no rooks, and no bets under 1 mil.
  3. Fuck @Headless me and all my hommies h8 M.A Adamuuuuuu Cabbage boy 123 @21Cabbage
  4. we lost a role-player today 💔

  5. All African memes aside, I don't drink as much water as I should.
  6. +1 Based admin and does like half my tickets next to Headless


  7. Take it easy fella
  8. Stay strapped at all times
  9. Mudiwa

    Ghawk For Sale

    It will be used as it is going to be sold to Bomos Deputy Supreme commander @Venomm . Bomos island will reign supreme in air superiority over ALTIS
  10. Great ideas so far everyone
  11. Hey everyone I'm the newest member of the vigilante civ council. My aim is to give everyone a more fun, enjoyable, and exciting experience . I made this post to reach out to the community and hear some thing you want to be added to vigilante. Go ahead and drop some suggestions you think would be cool id love to hear your ideas. I hope you all have a great day and stay safe ladies' and gentlemen.
  12. I have a offer for 22 mill, if anyone can do more than that that would be dope. Drop some offers down in the comments. https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/stats/players/76561198123439780/


  14. The bomos Caliphate has voted third party this year for Kanye West. We believe he has the ability to import many children of fighting age to our island (10-13). He also promised me a better computer so i dont need to use lemons and coal as a GPU, Inshallah vote Kanye2020 @Venomm
  15. YOU did it @Headless . everyone give headless a round of applause please my mans deserves it.
  16. Thanks chief I appreciate it
  17. Say less
  18. So I'm new to map design, and I just started yesterday. Here are the two little designs I made. The first one is a new Sofia rebel with the boat shop in the back of it. The next is a new Athira vigilante I thought would be cool since it's in closer proximity to the city. If you could give me your thoughts, that would be great. I know they are pretty simple, but I think they look alright for a beginner. https://imgur.com/a/dxf6Ki3 https://imgur.com/a/JS5qV9H
  19. I am doing map design currently, anyone have any ideas they would like to see. I will send you a picture once I am finished.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mudiwa


      @Grandma Gary I made a new Sofia rebel ill make it look more like a cock for you

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      A monument to honor fallen bomonese soldiers, also Kavala needs a brothel.

    4. Mudiwa


      @sploding God bless all the children from ages 7-13 that have died protecting our gracious island 

  20. damnnnnnn F
  21. Da new bomos patrol car has been made



    Thank you @Jig for teaching me a new skill brudda

    @Venomm @Headless

    1. jig


      Definitely all you I could never create such a masterpiece!

    2. Mudiwa


      @Jig I promote you to senior designaaa of bomos island. You will beheld to da highest honor for teaching me design

  22. get rekt bro house always wins, even if u are right.
  23. Peep the new hatchback skin thats dropping with the new album me @Headless and @Venomm are working on



    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      How long until the Bomos Armed Forces liberate Olympus?

    2. Mudiwa


      @sploding That is classified information brudda. I am making custom skins for Bomos islands great military soon

  24. Might be doing some events on Bomos this weekend. I also made a teamspeak channel for it on the Oly TS. pas is 1234

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