4 years ago my friend bought me Arma because he had been playing it for a little while and really liked it. He had already played on Olympus before me so we played Olympus. My friend had already joined a gang called TCA which was just a bunch of kavala scats/trolls in a fairly huge gang (Kinda like KS i guess). He left that gang to join a gang with rebels instead of scats and this gang was called Black Flag Operators (BFO). Our first day in the gang the 10 or so people that were on decided to do a weed run, we brought 2 .50 with both drivers and gunners and a few large trucks. The cops found us while we were pulling out the vehicles and ofc a few of us were wanted so they engaged. After fighting the cops through out the whole run we probably blew up/disabled around 20 cop cars and still manage to pick ingredients, process, sell and store the money without one of us getting close to getting cought. good times when people dared to use money
Shout out to @Ducimus and @Black Flag 6A for running BFO back in the day and making it great and shout out to @iNTOXZTHEGREAT and @Kongen for hooking me up with arma.