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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. Savage 4 support team @Julian
  2. Strikke

    Paco AKA Coca

  3. And how do you suggest we fix this?
  4. Strikke

    Streaming alot Cop

    I removed your other post about this. Pleas try not to double post.
  5. Dont work for civs last i checked
  6. I feel bad for your neck... rip
  7. https://vivaldi.com
  8. Why you gotta use Microsoft edge tho
  9. Because by the time you think you are there you are already half way to kavala cuz you cant see shit.
  10. its a good cause +1 can confirm
  11. The system probably will and is going to get abused alot, everyone is going to be running around and break into any house that they can see crates inside(Atleast i would if this was possible.. imean hey free shit). There would almost be no point owning houses other than beeing able to respawn there.
  12. Can confirm. The one you have now is the one i bought from Hydra
  13. This is not the place for player reports. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  14. Civilian Anti Air


    1. Vcx


      reminds me of the old MC days 

  15. I WAS NEVER MC!!
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