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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. @Robinhood these retards don't know what they're doing on the vigi council
  2. Ronin


    uh huh let me know if you want another piada delivered buddy
  3. respect you know your place
  4. you're one to talk LMAO
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ronin000/ woot woot
  6. @Nicoleee there's another thot on your block
  7. I like that it's a midengine. Also vaguely reminds me of a Ferrari.
  8. wow a capable owner!
  9. buying NA standard tarkov account dm me

  10. smacked this titty streamer


  11. got unbanned w/ duper restrictions

    probably still not reinstalling

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. maxg


      i dont think anyone cares about you being unpermed

    3. Gravity


      good dont no one cares

  12. cheat engine still undetected

    0/month, easy roblox tycoon hacks

    1. Ziggyuwu


      shhhh stop telling everyone

    2. B r a l l s

      B r a l l s

      Yo can u find me the arma offsets the static ones so I don't have to cuz u a cheat engine god

  13. damn, the community has really turned you sour Mav. from his original post he didn't mean any foul harm to you, yet you're condescending as ever. chill the fuck out.
  14. to this day I still think you're mildly autistic, legitimately. go get some help dude.
  15. met this guy on v3rmillion almost 7 or 8 years ago. crazy to see where he ended up.
  16. Gave him our duped one
  17. @Robinhood did everything he could to nerf vigilantes the tier system made it hard as fuck for them to get a shit spar-16
  18. To be honest I prefer another server's method of allowing the person to respond before the ban is enacted. Would save a lot of time and trouble on retarded bans.
  19. fuck u

    1. Benjison


      lick my balls faggot

    2. Ronin


      i will if thats u in your pfp boo thang

  20. perma'd and probably wiped
  21. We actually obtained 2 legitimate ones through CmdrRex and Outcast.
  22. we might duplicate our loadouts, but execute is still recruiting. we'll gladly take in a few OS
  23. OMG he said fuck arma 3? Now that’s content, I love making BT get a huge boner! It was funny in the beginning but some of you try too hard it gets stale.
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