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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. I'd head to microcenter if you have one nearby and make sure you're positive you're okay with that mouse. Overkill CPU cooler as well, go for something cheaper and put it towards a better GPU. Your PSU is also overkill, you're only pulling 234W. Also your monitor is 60hz, find a better option that's 144hz. In my opinion you're allocating your money for medium to high grade parts that don't need to be.
  2. :-( we are done with this server. are you still a cyber sec major?
  3. No Never implied or meant it was directly your fault, but if they had pursued for it like you said, GW would've occurred much sooner having it.
  4. pretty sure Jesse took the old GW file with him, which is why this one was severely delayed. Also Drama was found on stream not only complaining but heard saying something along the lines of, “I hope they all quit so I don’t have to deal with this anymore.” Admins need to make sure they enforce time limits and rules or else you’ll have another TI DB situation.
  5. Should host gang wars much more often rather than once a year. It'll probably help with getting the issues down and making it significantly more streamlined.
  6. did a moonshine gang just beat a cartel gang?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Evann


      Just now, Bloodmoon said:

      No epi's if you guys said no epi's :4head:

      yeah ik

    3. Orgondo


      If you think Controlling Cap actually means having the cap say your gang name, oh boy... 2019 fighters crack me up


  7. what the fuck they better stream the first few rounds. I could care less about the finale, those career medics are the best god damn cap fighters.
  8. I think you should start posting them here to start unloading your hard drive.
  9. Peter Long stepped down as owner.

    he was offered 20k USD and turned it down, wonder how much Ares paid

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ronin


      @Peter Long Thanks for confirming this.  Would rather it being said from you than misinformation being spread.


    3. Pledge


      I legit just told you everything Peter said, and Peter did buy it for $1 from Dili. @Peter Long can confirm.

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Pledge yeah but ares didnt pay 1 dollar lol

  10. can't wait for a great roleplay session
  11. nobody here a snitch @OP just lie on your application.
  12. i have nothing to contribute other than papi pods has a small penis
  13. Easy W
  14. took 3 different sessions to finally feel a thing
  15. This guy would go on the practice servers just to talk about how good friends he was with Connor McGregor.
  16. Ronin


    I ratted my own gang bitch
  17. Ronin


    we've disappeared for a month shit magic trick
  18. good luck friend
  19. Ronin


    i'm unfollowing you on twitch white man
  20. Ronin


    no we totally abused it
  21. finally perma'd


    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. The_Tonald_Drump


      were innocent #FREEEXE

    3. Hannibal.H


      i got permed for duping a ak-12 and pilot helmets lets go boys

  22. scum bag tactic imo
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