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Everything posted by Hisoka

  1. @admins yo i made a restriction appeal on june 6th think yall could look at it???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strae


      @Head Admin i think someone wants you to look at some restriction appeal!

    3. Monks


      Free hisoka he ain't do shit u got no proof

    4. David Miller

      David Miller

      @Head Admin Yeah if you can go ahead and look at that for him that would be great.

  3. yo @admins can yall fix this global ban i got?

    1. Rafa


      Here you can find all the info you need to make a ban appeal. If it's from a region ban or something like that you can get it resolved fairly quickly, however, if the perm is from a disciplinary action it may take significantly longer to resolve. Not 100% sure how the process works but its a place to start! 

    2. ThatNerdyGuy
  4. we got banned for duping even though we never actually duped.
  5. Hisoka


    o7 hope you have more fun in life knowing that this weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
  6. Hisoka


  7. If you really think about it, whats there really to be happy about? That the numbers changed on the calendar? That we are closing in on our inevitable death? It ain't a happy new year in my opinion since time is relative, and in that relativity dawns the coming of inevitable nothingness in which time means nothing.
  8. Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that it's not intended to be used.
  9. Replace the combat store timer with an animation and progress bar so storing is not as troublesome. This is the best one.
  10. Anyone wanna play siege? gold 3 or higher only and 1.2 kd +

    1. Ang3l


      Na or EU? Ang3l,-

  11. got caught doing what?
  12. Hisoka


    Tbh u think the idea is really good because the higher bounty you are the harder it should be for cops to get you game mechanic wise. But it would definitely need to be tweaked to not be overpowered. @Civillian Council
  13. +1
  14. ShadowPlay from geforce experience.
  15. congrats @Superman

    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Thanks bro, did ya get me a wedding gift?

  16. Lol I saw this on i funny yesterday
  17. You literally copied this off iFunny.
  18. I’m joining give me donor.
  19. Why do you need other people to make one TikTok? I don’t get it explain pls.
  20. you sly son of a bitch XD
  21. any more actual good constructive criticism rather than "no"?
  22. Well I mean tbh I thought it’d be obvious that the mk20c is a shit weapon but that’s not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that if you actually put a decent 6.5 weapon as the tier v weapon everyone would complain. In my opinion I think the Mx or mxm would be a good fit for tier v considering vigilantes as of now don’t have any weapons good for range.
  23. Hey panda I’m in the same boat too is there a way I could get my hours transferred over or nah.
  24. Ok well first of all the weapon you get for having 200 arrests which i might add is a feat in of in itself sucks. The spar 16 is way better than the mk20c. Secondly back in the day tier 4 use to be a 90% payout and so since they got rid of that and now have added a new tier it would also make sense to up the % of money you get for said promotion the tier v. Considering how far the jump from tier 4 to tier 5 is.
  25. imagine.
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