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Everything posted by 1-800TryHards

  1. @Rossco congrats not sure what you got maybe mod ?


  2. @Headless happy birthday man! Have a good one!

  3. Good times aha
  4. Wheres my 15 mil
  5. Good times weebo
  6. Well said. Good luck in life !
  7. Added RnR fire suit to $250 donator, S&R+ Lower this to $100 Donor level
  8. @Zahzi Congrats bro! Thought you were already like a mod or something haha

  9. kinda feel bad for the kid sounds like he was sick or some shit and wasn't thinking aha
  10. cuz @Headless is on top of his shit ! He's very active.
  11. Like I stated at the beginning of my statement, I understand that the staff has a lot on their plates, but it really doesn't take but just a few minutes to hear out an appeal.
  12. https://gyazo.com/ba2a71787b5c8d816d71cf4cdd9186af @LukeTheCoop
  13. So I made this post a year ago or something and it was pretty funny what everyone had to say. Basically just post something you hear people say in game/TeamSpeak etc. *For example* -comp or ban retard -if I were you I would just comp me I have a pocket admin -my dads the owner -Nice rdm John Doe etc. -push ogggg Make it funny, whoever’s best comment that I find funny will receive $5 million in game! I will announce a winner Monday May 25 6:00PM Pacific standard time. GOOD LUCK!
  14. https://gyazo.com/edd1d09eee17728c115b6105e787fa09 Custom icon winners etc. @Zahzi you @me but it didn't pop up just letting everyone else know that they won.

  15.  Sums up Olympus!!! hahha (old video) 

  16. WTS Armed Prowler $3 mil

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