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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. So made another IFRIT skin pretty basic design but lemme know what you think

    Also probs gonna try doing a Orca or piece of clothing next so lemme know if you have any suggestions.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp
    3. Scold


      Could use som white accents on the body, eyes contrast too much with the rest

    4. Masonn


      @Civak I'll probs give it a try during the week or something but just looking at the way skins texture on Heli's the amount of design you can do is pretty limited sadly

  2. Opinions/Feedback

    First attempt at making a Ifrit skin


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Google


      Dear Mason,

          The Google CQC Administration Team has taken an interest in your work. The Administration would like to hire you in developing our latest Google CQC Administration Team Ifrit Skin. Please contact me if you're interested in working for the Administration as a Designer.

      Kindest regards,

      Google, CEO of the Google CQC Administration Team

    3. Kamikaze


      we need this in the server now no questions

    4. Lou


      the sides are a bit rough and could use some cleaning, i feel like it would be a more "laggy skin" but i like the idea of it and the color.


      Edit: for a first ifrit skin pre fukn gud

  3. Never spoke to you but thought it was funny as fuck how half the staff quit over you getting a higher e rank then them.
  4. Looks like mitas about to lose her dep chief position
  5. Cant believe they kept this ban tbh.
  6. @Civilian Council

    Make it so you can either buy your cars upgraded at rebel or the option to upgrade at rebel 🙂

    1. Bloodmoon


      Buying your cars upgraded was already passed a long time ago.

  7. Good luck in your pursuit of this e puss @ChrisGG

    1. Drippp


      Kids a fuckin dweeb

    2. Kedar


      Sorry hylos, Chris is on it now lol 

  8. Atleast put a video of what it is otherwise you get a bunch of retards just clicking a option and having no clue what they're actually voting for.
  9. Forum drama is really just too good.

  10. Well that's boring.
  11. It was cool and all but we were all trying to pistol bang him... Nothing was more fun to watch then a kid with a construction vest destroy a lost Muslim kid. I mean my legendary 1v8 isn't even a option...
  12. Shout out to all the boys on the Lawlers who actually made gang wars fun. and shout out to the guy i still have 0 clue who he was but played with us.

  13. So, pretty sure i deserve MVP after that 1v8

  14. So the rules in the gangwars meeting was whoever has more on cap wins but today you have to completely wipe cap?

  15. Never doubt a Lawler 


  16. That pistol bang was for the bois @vedalkenn @Dealer @jke

    1. jke




  17. Anyone else getting this error from the olympus twitch chat?


    You are currently timed out from Chat.

    You can chat again in 1 hour 41 minutes.



    1. Cale
    2. Billeh


      Its cause you were probably being a retard like normal and a moderator of the stream timed you out

  18. Fk it if people bother to show up and we have enough for the Lawlers i'll play if you lot still want to @swervy @Cale @House @Honeybastards @Vac @Vcx @coopacarp
  19. Probs not playing @Ryan said not even JKE can play and the only reason i even did a team was because i was told he could play
  20. Pretty much how it's gonna go
  21. I agree but don't really care lol. Anyways not gonna bother playing.
  22. Just trying to match the brain cells you have left buddy
  23. Of course they will their missing me as the hard carry man
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