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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. eeeeeeeh now this is a problem for real though, I'd be happy with 20 but I literally get 11-13 fps
  2. don't have eyes on square at all from there
  3. already got a 4crater near the one u got, I need a house that's near the square
  4. Only somewhere near the square. - S1 only - Post down offers with screenshots and how much $$ Been fighting kavala cartel alot recently and Im loving it lol.
  5. Can we get some competition on s1?
    Plague ran off. ETA on competition?

  6. Prime | Mk-1 ? @Tiger @nomadox @MBPslyr
  7. EU>NA
    Change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. maxg


      4 hours ago, BananaHammock said:

      Exhibit 1:

      "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

      ~ Section II of the best damn piece of literature ever created.


    3. NokiaStrong
    4. BananaHammock


      @NokiaStrong close nuff, Canada okay.

  8. I've teamed numbers of times with a cop or two earlier in the morning when there's only 1 cop on and someone's doing jail, and there's no rule against it so yea.
  9. lmao we need more people like dat guy to bring us more epic gamer moments !
  10. Salvage nerf: SDV base storage to be reduced to 80 RIP Salvage
  11. You have no brain cells beefing with deadpool and trying to make fun of him because he obviously does more work for civs then you.
  12. I like how Mr.Career cop TheEgoGuy is out here pipin up and talkin shit on @DeadPooL who dedicates most of his time working with people to balance gang life and give us what we need, while mr. TheShitEgoRetardGuy who gave up on Civ rep to get sAPD is acting tough. Like honestly kid, you out here pipin telling him to join the channel cuz you want to argue with him and possibly get his shit ripped and the smart guy declines you and you keep on making fun of him and saying eta? Honestly, you don't deserve to be on this thread, you're a fucking mong who hasn't played civ at all since he got kneepad sAPD so you're in no position to talk if feds are balanced or not because THEY OBVIOUSLY FUCKING ARE NOT. Like jesus I'm done watching this bullshit everyday, not one thing out here is balanced, if you don't have 15+ people doing a FED/BW with you, you're done because cops stack every single fucking time and tryhard like it's their own bank that's getting robbed...
  13. suck a dick.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Drippp


      Thank god you are gone, You probably played this game as a distraction from you getting ur head bashed in the lockers at school, yet you still got bullied online hahahaha

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