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About cuzzicann

  • Birthday 01/24/1998

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  1. 1.25 mil is such a bad offer lol. You can easily sell one for 5 or 6 mil just gotta find the right buyer
  2. I think you can overdose and the negative defect is your screen cycles through the rainbow but doesn't sway like Broweiser's do. Length of effect, no clue sry
  3. I think consuming meth gives like a 70% health increase... but i'm not 100% sure
  4. APD just needs to go back to it's 2014 days of you having to actually RP by seeing someone commit a crime or being able to "know the face" of a criminal with a high bounty over a certain amount :/ Awesome job tho @Jesse by far olympus' best dev in history (imo)
  5. This Property Has Been Sold!
  6. Current High Bid: $1.5mil (private offer) Current High Bid: $2mil (private offer)
  7. First off, please keep any comments related to this post. Also this property may or may not be for sale I just want to know if it's worth anything. If there is any good bites for it I may sell it. Property: https://gyazo.com/9e3bacb9069b5fdb4efc721b9ccd9d3e - perfect for attacking/defending arms dealer + storing loadouts and titans ps - feel free to PM me if you would like to keep it private - I will be giving this offer to the highest bidder Saturday, April 13 @ 12pm CST
  8. hey man how are you doing man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wub::wub:

    1. cuzzicann


      hi why the sudden interest lol

    2. Snare


      cuz i hadn't seen you in a while then i saw you like one of my posts updates :P

  9. 24, i'm un-liking your post if i don't win :/
  10. @JesseServer 3 has crashed like 3 times today. Just in case you didn't know 

    1. Toasty


      cAN conFIRM thi s is an ONGoing PROblem

  11. One of these is broken... :/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_yHB0GECDI


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drama


      Lmao howwwww

    3. cuzzicann


      No fucking clue. It just like insta killed my hummi

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Its the sting for sure. I always get taized by deputies, No other. There is actually a corporal using one right now as I type this.  

  12. Are the houses 3 craters?
  13. Our gang sold one for 6mil
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