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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Are houses bugged or something on the forums I refreshed my house and it went to 30 days on all my houses when I only refreshed 2/5 of them

    1. SPBojo


      S2 Houses dont "run out" of time or w/e its called.

    2. Cale


      i think they did it for s1 houses also because i refreshed them yesterday and its still at 29

  2. Give Versuse lessons ffs they are such easy warpoints smh
  3. put your ping to 400 and you will be good so people are getting the same aids shit as you
  4. People on these Forums are Snowflakes lol so what Biden won Republicans still have a majority in the senate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunter


      @Fiend "A minority government, minority cabinet or minority parliament is a cabinet formed in a parliamentary system when a political party or coalition of parties does not have a majority of overall seats in the parliament. At the current moment  at current point in time republicans have won 1/2 seats from Georgia so the republicans control 51/100 seats in the senate so they can permanently block bill's. Although this does not prevent president elect Joe Biden from signing executive orders and it does to count if a Republican votes democrat in a bill which would lead to a 50/50 vote and the vice president Kamala Harris will be the tie breaker vote.


    3. Tech



      To get any legislation or law passed you require both halves of congress (senate, and house) to vote a majority on it and the president must sign it. If the president does not sign it (aka vetoes the legislation) congress must have a super majority (2/3) to override that veto

      So to get anything meaningful passed that may last generations into the future you need congress control or you need to compromise the legislation to the other side a bit.

      One thing the executive branch can do, is executive orders. The president themselves can pass law and legislation.

      Obama after attempting to go through congress used executive orders to pass some legislation. In 2016 Trump came in and made executive orders to undo Obama's executive orders, this went up to our highest court, the supreme court, and it was found that you can undo previous administrations' executive orders.

      So with the Senate looking like it's under Republican control (these GA runoffs don't look good for Dems) Biden can pass executive orders, he can compromise, or he can wait for midterm senate seats (2022) to maybe flip blue.

    4. Slav


      Ah, so I was right. Pretty much the equivalent of minority governments. Thanks, lads.

  5. It's a retarded idea because Vigi's don't need more ways to lose there license. Vigi's also gain nothing past 200 arrest I am at 600 arrests and have not played vigi in a month as it's boring as we get nothing new lol
  6. Spar > MX "Make it illegal for vigis to camp Rebel Outpost. I've done it a few times and quiet frankly it feels nasty. If a cop finds a vigi on a rebel zone he should at least take 1 tier off the license. Same with warzone." This is a retarded idea
  7. t6 150 round mags at 400 arrests
  8. anyone know when amd 5000 series will drop today?

    1. Revise


      they already sold out

  9. ^^^ Well regulated Capitalism is the best economic policy
  10. I think they both have their Pros. Online easier to get feedback and contact your teacher after school hours. Physical your forced to not procrastinate
  11. anyone know how to fix this ? 0d14d04f9e5906e29324afa9baf60923.png


    1. monster


      Uninstall battleeye, the next time you click play in the launcher, battleeye will reinstall itself

  12. Make it so you gain war point's if you kill a civ/cop when fighting in a airdrop zone 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      You've convinced me, I'll push for it. 

    3. Millennium


      I mean to be fair, its kinda like fighting in warzone/cartels, but for a crate instead of cap.

      that would be lit if warpoints were given.

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      Make sense with the ways it was explained. Thank you for explaining your arguements which in turn has changed my opinion.

  13. add a spawn for airdrops on OG tbh

  14. just wait till this week's over then i camp warzone
  15. Go back to server 2 being closed on non peak hours was actually fun getting fights 

  16. @Zahzi eta on AT jeep. "Web Dev"

  17. Remove Prowler from BW loot table 

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