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Bongo Bongo Bongo

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Everything posted by Bongo Bongo Bongo

  1. If anyone wants to donate under my PID feel free! Also accepting donations in-game. Would be greatly appreciated! :wub:

  2. I can assure you this does not happen often. Bit of bad timing coming to the team today
  3. If anyone is donating to improve the server, do it under my PID. Would be greatly appreciated!


  4. Anyone making NCAA brackets and have an upset championship? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      The only reason I have LSU losing to Marquette is because they have no coach. Also VT has beat Duke before and since Zion is coming back from injury they can beat them again. You got a pretty solid bracket ngl.

    3. drama


      I got 15/16 games right today:bender-dance:

    4. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      One of my brackets is 15/16 ;)

  5. Last chance to put me on a roster :wub:

    1. Fuzz^


      werent you camping rebel fully kitted yesterday and i sdared you

    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      No I tapped a guy out of m900 and then got killed from behind after just buying a gun

    3. Fuzz^
  6. to store gear / hide from cops
  7. Would require an excessive amount of training to cure the APD's broken aim.
  8. Mark my words @Mk-1 BOTS GONNA WIN IT ALL

    fourth stream - medic life.

  10. Is there any learning sessions for developing?

    1. PoptartRex


      Not currently 

    2. Big Steve

      Big Steve

      There's a ton of good videos online that are easy to understand. I would suggest thinking of something you want to make in singleplayer, such as a heli/plane practice mission or a simple capture mission, and dive right in. Having a goal in mind is a great way to start off, and doing something you want keeps you interested, and as you learn more, you can add more to your mission. If you have any questions, there are tons of knowledgeable people on the Arma 3 scripting forums as well as on Olympus.

  11. Anyone want to donate under my PID? Would be greatly appreciated.

  12. come watch me orbital cannon kids in gta 


  13. I've only spoken to @Ryan. He helped me in support room, therefor I say he's the best.
  14. Apparently the 6 medics online don't want to revive me. (4 at the time of video, 6 when I bled out):peterscream:

    1. 1-800TryHards


      Medics are not required to revive players that do die in red zones. 


    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      5 minutes ago, 1-800TryHards said:

      Medics are not required to revive players that do die in red zones. 


      Yes I know the rules I'm just mad that I lost my money.

  15. Recruiting players for new gang. PM me if interested.

  16. What are everyone's game settings, and how do you change the color of your crosshair?

    1. falcon


      to change the crosshair color ingame just goto game settings and look at the color settings and change the interface colors, itll show you what changes what and just find the one that changes the crosshair color.

      @support team whoever sees this can have the ticket ;)


    2. DashTonic


      Ultra everything

    3. Big Steve

      Big Steve

      I would recommend changing your layout as well to be more personalized. I know for myself, I enjoy being able to see how many bullets I have left while not taking my eyes off the target.

  17. Great idea but people like me don’t have enough to buy in for Texas Holdem...
  18. Sometimes when I tab out of Arma, it will freeze and I have to restart my game. Wondering if anybody else has this problem, and if anyone has a solution.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Add -noPause to your launch options 


    3. DashTonic


      12 hours ago, Big Steve said:

      ^ make sure you press escape before alt-tabbing to avoid unnecessary shooting of your weapon haha

      This. I shot a guy in the head when I tab back in 

  19. I know this is an odd question but what type of milk is your favorite? 

    Regular milk / Soy milk / Coconut milk / Almond milk / Skim Milk / Goat milk / Organic milk / My person favorite, chocolate milk.

    These are just suggestions so if I didn’t put down your favorite sorry. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hawk


      Where is the bagged milk? :Kappa:

    3. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      1 minute ago, hawk said:

      Where is the bagged milk? :Kappa:

      Leave, now. :wtf:

    4. Montez


      jokes on you i'm lactose intolerant, and i don't drink milk. (almond milk, and skim milk taste like shit)

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