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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Monks


    this thread is literally just and
  2. Monks


    Playerbase asks for casino > players get casino > players complain cause they lose money in the casino lol
  3. The server is not crashing, players are mad about getting banned so they are ddossing the server in order to convince admins to unban them. Admins and other staff are working to fix the issue and it will be resolved in a few days. Please be patient.
  4. both servers down again ffs

  5. It was intention to keep it "balanced."
  6. Nah some kid is mad cuz he got 2 accounts game banned for cheating
  7. Started with 2.6 mil went all the way down to 6k but my lovely friend @CocoisDead gave me a 1.5 mil loan so i made 1 mil profit from that paid him back and betted my way up to 3.6 mil

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cooper:P


      800k to 17 mill down to 1.5

    3. Cale


      16mil to 29mil to 5k

    4. Dab


      50m to 0 a day before the casino came out. Fuck all of you

  8. y the ddossers gotta ruin the update :feelsbadman:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Wait where you the one he wanted banned?  Seems like a sacrifice worth making ^_________^

    4. Monks


      no i wasnt the one he wanted banned lmao

  9. life hasnt been the same without @Crenshaw. Not enough N words to go around :feelsbadman:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The next word in that list was nanopenis.  A condition which you average cartel player suffers from.


    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Incorrect Gary. All cartels fighters are asexual 

  10. Dude, online classes are the most awkward shit ever 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      bruh imagine wearing pants in yo own house

    3. Lime


      It's great. If you're big brained, just play something in the background while being "in class"

    4. Monks


      @Lime honestly i was watching netflix for like an entire class lmao

  11. o7 gamer +1 man but he got a kid now so he got a goowd life
  12. Monks


    S T A T U S U P D A T E
  13. i sware to fucking god o7 to everyone in the server cuz idk what o7s are real

  14. ngl i kinda think this is finna be the best update oly has gotten yet

    1. Geo


      Our devs are really putting in some fucking work man.

  15. nice vids but yalls voice acting is terrible lmaoooo
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