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Everything posted by haleychu

  1. Have you tried unplugging it and replugging it back in? Go into your window sound settings and correctly set your output and input configs
  2. I think lethals should be authorized if a high ranking cop is on to give them. But only in like feds or escorts
  3. This shit literally made my day dude
  4. Hello friends *waves*


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. haleychu


      I dont even have the noble server LOL I havent played for so long

    3. haleychu


      Plus I main vigi if anything

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      The point is that you joke around that people still play the server but then come back to the forums frequently. 

  5. Dang you guys still play this game/server?

    1. Skys


      nah i just jerk off in gang base all day

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      No, not at all. The forums are just up for no reason.

    3. Mako



      good joke

  6. Damn people still play this game/server? jk Love you long time

  7. Gosh I'm so glad I don't play this game anymore
  8. 07 Budddy @AmericanWaffle gonna miss you man, I hope you do well no matter where you go..0
  9. I don't agree with wanting to remove betting people need their fix and betting is it for people. However better vast amount of money is insane. Tbh it doesn't ruin the economy since the money was already there and got redistributed. I think we should cap betting to maybe like 5-10 mill max per bet. I also think we should maybe put in a casino of some type so people can play games with it. However once you lose that money; it's gone forever helping to protect "the economy."
  10. +1
  11. Yeah man I agree, same with a master toolkit and moving vigi instead of removing it
  12. Wow I'm glad 3 of my ideas were approved
  13. shoot me a message
  14. Make me offers for envgs, mar-10, and dms
  15. Shoot me a pm
  16. Still Have envgs-2, zafir, asp and 2 mar-10's
  17. sure i can do that
  18. hit me with an offer
  19. 1 zafir, 1 mk-1 taser, 3 Mar-10's lethals, 1 dms, 1 envg, 1 asp. Also I'd like to sell 345 in big sell or 2. Hit me up with offers. https://gyazo.com/96ef79c5ea2770fb2e649e6445abc385 https://gyazo.com/6d37149fc160981ccbb0547749944ca1 ***Dms and 1 MAR-10 sold
  20. its worth more than 20 mill lmao
  21. Now we get to see all those one man gang get uniforms smh
  22. haleychu


    +1 but don't make it kos inside the casino
  23. I agree for some of the changes not all of them, I still can't wrap my head around the manslaughter one; with how the taser script has been known to act.
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