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Everything posted by lvy


    1. Noahhh!


      Thank you ma'am!

  2. if the blackjack dealer didnt get to hit on 17 and up,  i would be RICH! 

  3. in matter of mintues i saw mutiple people go broke lmao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lvy


      I went down to 25m and did another 5m and almsot lost...ughhhh! back at my 30m

    3. Kamala Supporter

      Kamala Supporter

      I really hope that shit synced for you homie. Would suck to lose a milly due to server issues

    4. Hunter


      made a comp request already 

  4. joe biden is so fucking creepy makes me sick
  5. imagine wanting a whole gang gone because of your ego

  6. i am a male

  7. so fun when you're about to do a bw and all cops mass log off. go from 12 to 4 in seconds

    crying cat | Tumblr

    also, outcast ur going to be missed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Ya nobdy hopped on 

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Ivy your socks never came in the mail. I gave you $4000 on paypal for them please ivy

    4. GG Mk1

      GG Mk1

      mad when they mass log on, mad when they mass log off no winning  😞

  8. lvy


  9. me when sAPD joins the channel:

    Debby Ryan GIFs | Tenor

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strae


      haha you're so like.. funny 👉👈😳

    3. Xirie


      arent u a fuckin man? freak.

    4. lvy


      ha ha ha 

  10. wait doesn't FTS just recruit noobs? i mean, looking at the stats im like:
  11. how i imagine training a deputy is like in APD


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lvy
    3. Noahhh!


      Teaching Noble recruits how to combat stance.

    4. buckie


      That’s a good one

  12. 9dc964e39c73b229055624511f971460.png.2e06869c1f10d3545178f2cf11668398.png

    i see u @toxicc

    1. toxicc



    2. billdroid


      Gold digger 

  13. awww noooo, you are a very kind person [ and truly good-hearted], i know you will do good in life wih all the goals you have, see you later pancak- i mean waffle
  14. cats or dogs?

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Dogs but the thing is they shed so fucking much i sometimes find dog hair in my PC

    2. Revise
    3. Skys
  15. I am getting so tired of rats on this server that it makes me fucking sick. treat people how you want to be treated. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. lvy


      Also, @Monks, probably one of the most mature kid out of them all 

    3. lvy


      And goon, I know you are a smart kid and you can be helpful but you have bad intentions and you gotta work on that shit. 

    4. Derek


      your honestly on the wrong game if your looking for wholesome and mature kids. Its always been toxic and it always will be there no use for yoiu to cry about how bad of a kid he is on the forums.

  16. shawnfin59 is a man on a mission 

  17. I can confirm this works, he literally didn't lose and when he did lose, it was like a 300k bet smh....
  18. lmaoooooo
  19. if you had 1 bil on  the server, how would you spend it? 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BillyBobJoe


      ur the reason why im not at 50 mill 

    3. lvy
    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @BillyBobJoe dont feel bad im over $100,000 in debt because i keep taking out loans to buy ivy socks

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