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Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Lime

  1. @Community Mangler , quite literally the most fitting tag I've ever seen attached to an individual my entire time on this server, besides maybe the @Crybaby tag. A Community Manager, the average person would assume that your job would indeed consist of helping teams, promoting growth, and handling matters in a responsible and organized manner. However, assuming that is very wrong, and every single person that plays this server knows it. You are single handedly the worst thing that has ever happened to this server besides grown-ass men simping online, DB abusing the ever living fuck out of their power, and Hadi nuking the server. I genuinely do not understand how in the ever living fuck you are allowed to stay in your abusive, dogshit, invalidated-by-everyone-except-for @ Ryan fuck-ass position. You have no leadership traits, no appeal in a power position, and have collectively done more bad to this server than good. If this was any other formal position where people would actually have a say, you would have been evaporated years ago. I genuinely wish you, one day, reflect on what you did on Olympus and rethink your repulsive, vile and fatherless behavior and actions. Your validation of "putting up with shit" and doing things "behind the scenes" should not warrant anyone to operate like this. But alas, this server never changes. I've made my peace with it. Now to everyone else that I can remember in this blissful moment of freedom (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER) @ David Miller and @ Mike Lit . We were the best to ever do it. The enjoyment and fun I had on this server peaked whenever we ran the R&R with the team. Everything was gamin back then, and I could not have asked for a better group of niggas to work with. Mike, you're the homie, don't ever forget that. We went through a lot on this server side-by-side, through thick and thin. I COULD NOT have asked for a better collegue and friend through that. Hope we can shoot the shit soon man, and send Flinton james my regards. David, you were the resident R&R dad up until @ PolarBear stole your thunder. Thanks for always being someone to talk to rationally about a lot of things, as a Coord, Director, and a human being. Subconsciously, I always looked up to you for advice, help and thoughts. As a Supervisor, Coordinator, Moderator, Admin, and Senior Admin, you never left me behind or forgot about me. You genuinely helped me and influenced me on some of the best and toughest times I've ever gone through on this server. Words can't express the appreciation, respect, and happiness I have for having the luxury of meeting you. Don't be a stranger, and best of luck on your promising personal future! @ Venomm Dr. Rook #1 Kavala Fragger, Director of Black Airforce Activities and Shitpost for the Rescue & Recovery™ . The one person that managed to break every fucking rule on Medic and know how to get away with it. I genuinely don't know how you actually went the SAPD route and didn't just kick ass alongside me, but then again, you were always unofficial Supervisor and Senior anyways : ) Would not pick another shooter and shitter by my side ANY day of the week. I know were gonna stay spinnin on OC. @ Waddles @ notsodank @ XnavrasX The last remaining Supervisors truly under my tenure. Times weren't always the best for the R&R, but I am glad I had you guys to bear the storm with, and still stuck by my side through it all. It sucks that the "goodbye" has to be done like this, but it's not the last y'all will be seeing of me. Times ahead, if you choose to stay in your positions, will be undoubtedly concerning or odd, but it is my hope that everything I have shown and taught you guys over the last few months, outside and inside the R&R, will guide to ultimately making the right choice. @ LULA 2022 - PT 13 Looks like life finally put us on the same boat. Resident Favela fragger, stupid French enthusiast, and absolute schizoid: I never woulda thought 3 years ago that you were gonna be one of the people I would've worked so closely alongside for big R&R projects and general shitposting alongside the team. Thanks for the literal countless hours of work you did for the team and overall good vibes you brought to the team. Yet another honorary member of the team under my tenure. Now that I'm freed, we have some big projects to drop on Nexus. I look forward to em. @ Claysive We never really got too close as I wanted to, but you were always a funny ass person to be around, and for the small tenure I looked up to you as Coord, you were a hyper-reliable and straightforward person. Never change, it's rare seeing someone be as down to Earth and simultaneously not seem like they're stone all the time. Hope to be playing MW2022 with you and others soon. @ Marcus and @ Camper Alas, it seems my never-ending patience for things on this server finally delivered me a blow I did not want to recover from. While this may look bad for the lovely project we had working, you know I am never far, and I would love to work on it as a 3rd party now. I never really got to have a sit-down with y'all over what my plans were for y'all and the project, but I think you will know what to do when the time is right. Marcus, with what I told you today, PLEASE, always keep it in mind when handling your duties and the future of the faction if you stick around. Camper, you showed a lot of promise with the concepts you showed me. If you decide to continue pursuing this, please don't let the spark die. The bond you two have reminds me of the good ol' Supervisor days between me and @ Clover , or me and @ Overlord 's bitch ass (shoutout OG Xi'an insurance agency). Use your synergy to do good on this god-forsaken server. @ PolarBear I am sad I will not be able to watch you grow as a Senior, but thanks for being quite literally the friendliest, most out-going and genuine human beings on this server. You are a treasure to this fucking cesspit playerbase, never forget that. If you stick around, please, stay being yourself and try your absolute hardest to delay this server corrupting you for as long as you can. @ Rafa Honestly tied pretty close in with @ PolarBear . I really envy you dawg, I really do. Another absolute god-send on this server and quite possibly the most hardworking and patient person on this server. I don't know how you do it man. You're one of the friendliest faces to exist on this server despite dealing with the worst the server has to offer. I don't suspect you to be sizzling out anytime soon, so stay strapped on KitKats and keep doing what you're doing man. Hope we can hop on some RoN shenanigans when life allows it. @ Millennium YOU SCAMMED ME U JEW, DO MY MFS TAGSSSS. Memes aside, shoutout to the shit-starter and the most blunt, real person on this server hands down. Any time anything ever happened, you kept it 100. You've been around for so long, met so many people, and stuck around long enough to know evert trick in the book. One of the few people I really respect on this server yet simultaneously never had a problem with. I hope you always stay putting bullshit arguments and people in their place. It's what you do best. @ Fraali I know you're gone, but thanks for everything you did for the server. Also, I wasn't always at your side about everything like the gimp @ Venomm was, but you always kept it real with me and always made in-game interactions a blast (literally). Looks like after all, you do get to keep your Nyx privileges after all Damn you haha. Best of luck in the future man. The skills and knowledge you have has a whole lot more to give if you use em right. Best of luck in the future! @ King Cool guy, and you built like a Chad. We never really talked tooooooo much but whenever we did it was always good vibes, shits n giggles, and various questionable things haha. It's an evil world we live in man, I hope you have good graces by you every day you go to work. Hope we stay in touch man. Stay safe, and stay true to the job, any and every day, on the best and worst of times. Godspeed. @ Regal The mf cadot I never thought I was gonna grow into liking You know, you were a real pain in my asshole on Medic for the longest, but I am fucking glad I got to meet the real you. You got big plans for the future mangg, don't ever lose focus on that shit. Hope to see you on Pak Fragger's soon. @ Headless Ohhhhhh the little moderator who had me shitting myself when I didn't know what was gonna happen to the R&R after the incident. We've both seen a lot, done a lot, and been through a lot. You were good person to me, all the time every time. Never gonna forget that. Thanks for all the fun and memes, hope your work as interim Coordinator never ends haha @ Jonesy I know there is no physical or metaphorical way this will go through to you in a good manner (especially with the life factors at play right now), so I will just refrain from saying anything except for: I knew "yes men" and bootlickers existed, but I never would've thought a "No man" would've been my second biggest downfall. @ sandman You lied to me. You told me as a Pararescue that you cared for the faction and that you'd give it your all, but you lied. I was lied to by all the people rooting for you. "He was a questionable Chief but he was always a good SAPD member!". You've bitten more off than you can chew, and your interests in Senior R&R only lay in acquiring perm whitelists. You stick to your other duties and friends above all. Make your call, everyone knows the right choice. @ Coconut I'm sorry it has to be this way. You were my pick, and I tried very hard not to outright tell you that out of fairness to everyone that came before and after you. You would've made a great Senior under my wings. I'll never forget all the good times in R.I.P. Thanks for taking me under your wing when I was just a dent, and for being the resident mud bug enthusiast : D I hope we can play some games soon man, we got options! @ Strikke I doubt you'll even check the forums, but, you're a great person, friend, and fun to be around. Hope we keep RoN gaming as always. You know where to find me @ Ruan Sad it came to this, but all good things must come to an end. I hope SA and the FiveM world has been doing you good. Thanks for being a friendly and dedicated Coord during your tenure. It was a short but fun time. I hope you remember be in a good light as time passes. Take care and make sure to water your mud hut @ thor and @ i chop hatchbacks Shoutout to the two mfs who were simultaneously the most dedicated and pain-in-the-ass people to deal with, while simultaneously being cancerously hilarious. Kids College Enterprises no longer holds any say in the R&R now that I'm gone . p.s I'm still whippin your stupid fucking jetski and buying you a better fucking non-Chinesium AR you mong @ Penguiny Free bro! Also: 24-Hour Fitness @ lukie Stay spinning OG Kavala spinner that always put it down against the APD to save my ass. I have grown tired of typing and this server. If I didn't @ you, it's because 1.) I forgot and am genuinely just tired now, 2.) I never liked you 3.) Didn't have anything major to say about us. The mystery is yours to ponder and think about for whatever it's worth. To all the people I genuinely consider friends, I am not saddened because I know we will still stay connected online and through future shit. You all know who you are. To everyone I had an interaction with on this server, it's been a pleasure. My work here is over. o7
  2. o7 FAC overlord @ Fraali

    Don't fall off ur bike 

  3. Congrats Mr. Kaaaaaang @ King  

  4. Changes appear in Green Removals appear in Red Chapter I - Professional Standards Conduct: All medics shall conduct themselves in a professional, courteous manner in TeamSpeak and in-game when working with medics and other players to respond in an unbiased manner. Medics will refrain from using abusive language/actions toward others while on-duty. Medics shall work together and coordinate their efforts to respond to calls in an efficient manner. Medics shall operate in an ethical, compassionate, and unbiased manner. Subordinate medics shall obey the directions of any higher-ranking medic who gives a reasonable order. Medics shall not misuse their emergency lights or sirens. Medics will follow all rules and laws which pertain to the civilian community, including but not limited to: Speed and traffic laws Disturbing the peace All medical personnel are required to have a [Medic] tag added to their name while on duty. Medic tags will appear as follows: [Medic] John Doe Will be applied automatically [Sr. Medic] Tag is to only be used by active Sr’s Only. (Supervisor, Coordinators & Director) Chapter III - Illegal Zones Medics, at or above the rank of Basic Paramedic, are authorized to respond to calls for service located within any illegal area. EMT's must be escorted by an Altis Police Department (APD) officer or higher ranking medic to enter an illegal area. Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged. However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below: Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, and at Active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery/Evidence Locker), Active Banks and Active Blue Zones. Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units. Illegal areas defined: Rebel Outposts Active Jailbreaks/Federal Reserve Robberies/Blackwater Robberies/Evidence Locker/Active Bank Robberies/Active Art Gallery Robberies. Illegal gathering and processing areas Active Blue Zones Drug Dealers Black Markets Cartels (Within 1 km of the cartel's cap point) War Zone (Large landmass labeled as War Zone) Forms of acceptable engagement within illegal areas: EMS text Direct chat Warning shots (Aerial Vehicle's Only) Medics taken into illegal areas during hostage situations cannot be killed by their captors unless APD negotiations have failed, they refuse to provide medical services, or they attempt to escape. Special Circumstances: Federal Reserve: Medics must not enter the Federal Reserve, Telos, or the immediate area around the Federal Reserve during an active robbery unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. Maximum Security Prison: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the prison, beach, or land, bridge while an active prison break is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. Blackwater: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Blackwater facility while an active robbery is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. Evidence locker: Medics Must not enter, or loiter around, the Evidence locker while an activity robbery is in progress, unless they are actively assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians Rebel Outposts: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, any rebel outpost while an active rebel raid is in progress unless they are actively assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. Cartels and Warzone: Medics who are flying within 1 KM of a cartel, or within any part of the Warzone must be given 3 warning shots or an EMS text with a warning along with sufficient time to react and leave the area before lethal force is authorized. Medics who are on the ground within a 1km radius of a cartel or any part of the War Zone can be killed without engagement. Bank: Medics must not enter or loiter around the Bank, immediate office buildings, houses, construction site, power plant, docks or plaza areas during an active bank robbery unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. Art Gallery: Blue Zones: Medics must not enter or loiter around the Art Gallery Active Blue Zones or the surrounding areas during an active robbery Event unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians. While hostage, R&R members are not allowed to revive medics at the Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail, and Banks, and Active Blue Zones. Medics that are assisting the APD are not allowed to enter and assist civilians between APD waves unless taken hostage. If a medic has arrived at a rebel outpost to revive a civilian, and it becomes apparent that the APD is conducting a rebel raid, the medic must leave the area and contact the APD to ascertain whether or not responding officers would like R&R assistance during their engagement. Altis is inherently a dangerous island. Medics are not required to respond to any calls for service within illegal areas. Those who choose to enter an illegal area are acknowledging and accepting the inherent risk. Medics shall evaluate the situation and use discretion while operating within illegal areas. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest, gang base skirmish, or airdrop events. If you are in the area of a conquest or air drop event when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY. @Medic @Senior R&R Member
  5. HBD @ Coconut  🥳

    Crab dinner is on me 🦀

    1. Coconut


      Haha thanks buddy ❤️ 

  6. Very unfortunate to see the drive get taken away, but a bittersweet moment nonetheless: you'll be free to carve your future to something bigger and better. Best of luck and take care. Don't be a stranger. o7
  7. o7 @ Ruan  

    Best of luck trying to survive in [UNDISCLOSED LOCATION] 

    Keep the warlords and AKs close by 🙏

    1. Lea


      Why are you allowing this to happen?! 😭

  8. 2b48cdb986027c007b01affb7feedb3f.png


  9. HBD @ Mason Harrison  cookout's on me for this one 🥳

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      shiiiiit im ready thank you 😁

  10. You're on Olympus. One person's problem is the entire server's problem, apparently
  11. Doing this the Olympus Way: Working towards something, one shitpost at a time
  12. Happy Birthday @ Venomm  (((REDACTED)))((REDACTED)))


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Venomm


      nigga w H A T

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      this man runs the medic faction btw.

      unblacklist me or i release the dm's lime

    4. Lime


      Fuck you whoever changed my shit, you're a cunt

  13. Canadians be like 


    HDB @ ZeRo  🥳
    Also HBD @ Fusionz  🦀

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Canadaian hate thread?

      @ hawk weirdo

  14. *** MEDIC PSA *** 

    Remember, due to forced group/gang/faction tags, you do not need to put [Medic] in your name anymore. if you forget or haven't realized, please adjust this next time you log on. Your designated Chain of Command name is still required though. 

    Thank you! 🙂


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      What if i want to be Medic [Medic] Medic?

    3. Lime


      Such rank is not unlocked yet

    4. reeder83


      can we have our gang tags on or do we still need to remove them?

  15. BEWARE



    @ Rexo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prime


      You should see him flying a hatchback 

    3. Millennium


      @ Prime you should see me flying 😄

    4. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      @ Prime Last time I saw you in a Hawk you had an AK.

  16. @ XnavrasX @ ExtLordz @ PolarBear
  17. @Medic Make sure to check out the latest PSA regarding post-April Fools shenanigans. Your whitelist may (or may not) depend on it!

  18. I, the Director of the Rescue & Recovery Altis Operations Division - Olympus, approve this change
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