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Everything posted by Sho-Time

  1. Wait wtf, why did the rebel boat move all the way across the map, last time it barely moved 1 kilometer

  2. I understand Thanks for the quick responses. I shall be the guinea pig for the update!
  3. I would like the icons but I also want a forum song
  4. Can I buy all 5 gang/vehicle skins?
  5. Other questions, Will store purchases count towards your donor rank? Are gang vehicle skins also 5 gangs only? Any way to pre purchase more than 1 month of skins? Will we have some way of contacting the designer during the dev process for the skins?
  6. 10 likes and I buy the 100$ icon pack.

  7. Is this 5 uniforms per gang? Or 5 gangs with uniforms?
  8. I'm low key mad he specified he wanted a bipod with it like he wont take one with out that exclusive attachment
  9. No one wants to do runs because runs are shit.
  10. Senior medic gets corp @Cooper:P gz bro ❤️

    @JuanDeaged welcome to the the club!

  11. I looked at the bottom and you said @Hylos is corrupt. Gratz on the downvote.
  12. Actual Picture of @Rexo


  13. XD
  14. Sho-Time


    o7 Brother
  15. Alright boi's, stimulus check is coming, Which card should I get to add to my Loop 

    2080 Ti Or 2x 2080 Super's


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Revise


      single powerful card always wins 

    3. Noahhh!


      Honestly, I think you should build a desktop if you're playing on a laptop. If you want, lmk what budget you're working with, what all you're using the PC for, and what colors and stuff you want, and I'll put together a part picker list that is 100% compatible and ready to go.

    4. Noahhh!


      Nvm, it said "Loop", not Laptop. I am dumb. Offer still stands I guess.

  16. How much for all the tasers?
  17. 32m and I got chu
  18. @Horizon for Dev
  19. O7 buddy
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