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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. So I call a Lyft driver to come deliver a package for me. I put the box on his seat and tell him where to deliver it and the dude just shits himself. Idk what he thought was in the box but he goes "Sorry, sorry, I can't take this" like it's some sort of drug deal before I opened the box to show him it's just valet tickets I needed to send to a restaurant. The look of relief on his face was priceless xD

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Small men usually are ones doing the bombing, I'd react the same

    2. asdasd123


      its cause you are in emcee. also known as isis lmao kms

  2. Why is McDilis so much smaller than... Never mind
  3. Drop ya opinions on it boys


  4. People want what they can't have is why they're so expensive.
  5. Tfw the current dev has pushed more updates and faster in 2 weeks than the old one did in 4 months. Cheers to Jesse (:

  6. I'll pay your child support for it
  7. How to get promoted in MC Teamspeak

    Step 1: Post this in chat


    Then, walah https://gyazo.com/d5b6644dc79bd1f9a6dcd80b6b272def

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. platinumfire
    3. Phizx


      Yeah I am @[OW] Nutela

      Already a PO @G.O.A.T.

      They would, if you werent blacklisted topkek @I Am Fuzzy

  8. When I see Victoria in game
  9. I just rewatched the Asylum gang wars..

    Spectator was shit/Along with the commentary

    Location was shit

    Servers were shit

    Organization was shit

    Stream was shit

    All around garbage gang wars. Never know how Olympus gang wars actually is until you watch this kind of shit-show :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Awwww shucks.  Thanks guys. 

      To their credit it takes a lot of work to set up gang wars.  Gotta put the effort in if you want a good product.  

    3. Linka


      honestly enjoyed the TI vs Rebel fight more than asylum gang wars q_q

    4. Phizx


      I think I can set up gang wars in kavala on s1 better than that one LMFAO

  10. Happy Bday Tdog, love you bb

    1. Tdog
    2. Maddog


      There can only be one >.>

  11. Well... Damn Pathetic that you had 20mill and you had to rob a gang member for 9mill.. Lol
  12. Apparently pineapples make cum taste sweeter. You learn something new everyday I guess.

  13. If Jesse is the one that fixed the badges on the Player Stats, I think we see someone beneficial for Olympus (:


  14. I am no longer a toxic person. You are better than me buckie , I hope that makes you feel better (:
  15. It's unfortunate that you didn't see any potential in x combining with centurion, but I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do and you are always welcome to stop by and play with us.
  16. Shoutout to McDili and Bigpat! Finally get the BlackWater Factory :D

  17. You read that and go "Damn that would be cool as shit" but then you realize there's only one developer and theres only so much he can do :/
  18. "Yay for transparency" 

    *Topic about MCPD*

    "Oh shit lets lock, delete, and hide every thread. Don't forget to shut down the Disciplinary Library"

    Let us voice our opinions.. :/

  19. So the topic of discussion is obsession? Hmm interesting..
  20. Apparently I made the mystery account? Lel couldn't give enough shits to waste my time on that, but I did want to voice my point of view on it :/

  21. Can confirm I did NOT make the moob tag, don't ban me pls
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