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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Midnight

  1. Since no one wants my vegas odds I got 1 mill on mcgregor

  2. i got 1 mill on McGregor with vegas odds... anyone taking it?

  3. i got 1 mill on McGregor with vegas odds... anyone taking it?

  4. Happy birthday to the cop who made me the officer I am today. @Maddog

  5. Tonight was a fucking blast. APD vs. Rebels at OG Shine. Think we shot down like 13 Ghawks lol. We can supply rockets allllll night long y'all haha <3 @Lil Bill @Monkey_Wrench @Potato @Midnightcamo @Lucki @Matt The Savage

    1. Midnight


      i lost 3 landed 1. plumber lost 2 and lucki lost 1.. either way it was fun

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Tonight was a fucking blast. APD vs. Rebels at OG Shine. Think we shot down like 13 Ghawks lol. We can supply rockets allllll night long y'all haha <3 @Lil Bill @Monkey_Wrench @Potato @Midnightcamo @Lucki @Matt The Savage

  7. Best April Fools prank ever, Eatmeth as Chief. 

  8. Lemme just say  I've never had more fun in rust than I did yesterday. Olympus Rust is best rust. #farminggod #olympus1rats0 

    1. Midnight


      Peter this is gathering shit not eating shit. you're out of your league 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you must be kidding just finished building my computer and the 1080ti just was officially launched

    Looks like I'm spending more money what the water blocks come out for it

  10. Congrats on Lt Bud! Very well deserved. Drink some sparkling water to celebrate ^.^

  11. I just want to try black water out, but no im the hospital instead... thanks appendix

    1. Midnight


      I thought we removed scalpels? Damn rebels 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. I just want to try black water out, but no im the hospital instead... thanks appendix

    1. Midnight


      I should be home today but idk if I'll be on my computer.. I've already been here for 24 hours and no longer have an appendix 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Servers are coming back up now from the database maintenance. If you have a cop-cooldown longer than 5 minutes hop on civ then back on cop.

    1. Midnight


      okay.. and theres a civ that isnt on APD or R&R that has the same problem

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Servers are coming back up now from the database maintenance. If you have a cop-cooldown longer than 5 minutes hop on civ then back on cop.

  15. Servers are coming back up now from the database maintenance. If you have a cop-cooldown longer than 5 minutes hop on civ then back on cop.

    1. Midnight


      its not working.. i have a 240 minute cool down

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ayye @Midnightcamo Good stuff man. Happy for you. APD gave you a late birthday present. 

  17. Can we pretty fucking please with a cherry-tree on top get better VOIP in game?! The current voice range is literally without exaggeration: 3fuckingmeters...

    1. Midnight


      i mean we technically could put task force radio on the server but idk if it would work because people would bitch about having to download something 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. HEY I donated yet no able to go into donator room 

    1. Midnight


      like he said go talk to an admin or submit a ticket. its not a hard concept to understand 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Thanks to everyone who looked the other way as I went around destroying people's tropical fruits, but I've reached my goal, so don't think i'll be mad if anyone arrests me =) I just hope it's not a vigi. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=563892905

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