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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Your "Abusive!" with your "Shenanigans," sir!
  2. He simply asked for obituary, why is this offensive? Just say no, very simple.
  3. Roleplaying is the name of the game. APD officers are expected to roleplay throughout their service. Rebels are expected to roleplay as well. If they are quoting rules and you happen to be the lucky processor, remain professional and process them normal until you reach the ticket/jail section. A that point, inform them that they are quoting rules and that you are sending them to jail. Hope this helps ^_^
  4. @Grandma Gary your profile hurts my ears.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Talindor


      Where is everyone? lol seems a lot has changed. I would link the "What does the Fox say." but that's a personal fav.  :)

    3. -dante-


      Pop in TS sometime and don’t be a stranger. 

    4. Talindor
  5. I like vans, There are many uses for vans.......
  6. That was an awesome rotortap!
  7. Happy birthday Poseidon

    1. DeadPool


      Why you not @ him tho?

  8. Do not get hung up on the fact that both factions require proof of age, as Dante mentions, you can always blur out the other credentials showing only your date of birth. Most young applicants in both factions showing slight signs of under the age requirements, were requested to provide that same credentials as well. It is unfortunate to read your responses to what's requested as your approach shows immaturity on your part further more proving that the requirements for proof of age is necessary. The young members they have in their factions just thought a little outside the box and provided proof without all the other private details. Once in a blue moon, a young applicant such as yourself will come along with that type of thinking and behavior and further proving that applicants under the age of 16 should not become a member, as only a young kid would respond the way you did. This thread has run its course, should you feel the need to express your age on the forums again, we will ensure you will not post anymore topics for a duration. Have a good day.
  9. Talindor


  10. Never expected you to step down, I respect your decision and you will be missed.
  11. Happy birthday Dezree

  12. Happy Birthday Ham

    1. iPopsicle


      What did you get him for a present? :Kappa:

    2. Ham


      Thanks Talindor :)

    3. Talindor


      Ignis you can suck it!

  13. Follow the rules and procedures in place and you will do fine.
  14. That came out 2016 Mine is dont be a menance
  15. I hate you.
  16. Talindor


  17. Turn your ambience back on. There's a bug where when you turn off your ambience settings the turtles disappear.
  18. You got a point, his approach could have been a bit better or more reasonable.
  19. You can't win them all Berg, you got lucky the first session but you cannot expect the same rp season the next time around. You need to understand that you take a risk whenever you decide to hang around officers.
  20. There isn't an instant replay setting.
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