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Everything posted by Lea

  1. @ Clash AKA Clish ruined my KD I want comp!! 🧁

  2. christmas in july love GIF by Hallmark Movies & Mysteries


    Happy Birthday, @ Iceman ! ❤️ 

  3. I just keep putting pillows until there is no more bed, just a pile of pillows. Firm/soft/squishy/flat/body... ALL OF THE PILLOWS! Because it depends on my mood which one or three I want at any given moment in the night. Plus if no one can see the bed, you don't have to make it, right?
  4. Excellent work!
  5. Lea

    Nesquik GIF by Great Big Story


    Happy 🧁 Birthday



  6. Who cares... It's not real life. Although, my husband says these husbands better start paying some bills FFS.
  7. @ TapTap welcome to the fam. @ Rexo Disappointed you didn't invite me but after making it only halfway through before gagging, it was for the best. s Best wishes to the grooms.
  8. Happy Birthday @ Blue ! Have a lovely day! 🧁

  9. @ Pol

    cupcake GIF


    Happy Birthday Beautiful! 🤓🧁

    1. Pol


      Lucky to have a grandma like you ☺️

  10. Happy Birthday!
    cupcake GIF 

  11. Happy Birthday @ Doc ! I hope you have a lovely day! 🧁

  12. Lea

    🧁💜 Happy Belated Birthday!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday! 🧁🧁

  14. Happy Birthday @ TapTap ! I hope its the best day ever!🧁


    Art Animation GIF by Nicolette Groome

    1. TapTap



  15. Excellent fights tonight 101st, Booce, and company! Some of the best sportsmanship I've seen in a while APD members included! I look forward to more like these in the future, where all parties involve have a great time. Definitely sending extra cupcakes your way! 💜🧁

    1. xanx


      thats cringe just sayin

  16. Happy Birthday! 🧁

  17. Ahhhhh Congrats @ Coconut !!!!!!!!!!! 🧁

    1. Coconut


      Thank you my cup cake fairy ❤️ 

  18. If ever there was a glitch for me! I'm heartbroken! Free ignition bombs in loadouts.. Now that's the one I would have gladly be banned for abusing!! Who didn't tell me about this?! lol
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