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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Look! I do have talent! Just not in Arma 🤣😎🧁


    Lea #2 is just me sewing things lmfao 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Honestly that's pretty cool, always wanted to learn how to sow, making your own clothes is cheap and cool.

    3. FaXe


      @ Lea  bitch that was me getting gyal on vr chat , he is scared of the opposite sex

    4. Ryan


      @ Lea  oh trust me im very well aware lmfao

  2. Happy Birthday! 🧁

  3. Might be weird, but I feel this needs to be said so that my friends that are gang leaders can adjust my discord roles and/or even boot me as they see fit, no hard feelings on my end.

    This day was coming, I have chosen a side and it is not 88th Division. Only Grams is retired. I'm not asking for your opinion, I chose the option I felt best for me and my growth as a player. 

    Coming soon, |CTF| Lea


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ Grandma Gary   You never replied to my gang invite from like 2 years ago.  Why settle for a measly 'head admin' role when you could be an officer in the glorious Civilian Trade Federation.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ anti With just 3 clicks I could be the gang leader ;D

    4. Lea


      @ Grandma Gary No, what is unacceptable is that you never joined Only Grams, it could have been just the two of us! 

      Season 3 Flirting GIF by The Office

  4. Happy Birthday! This makes so much sense now🤣🧁

  5. Lea

    Happy Birthday! 

  6. Happy Birthday! 🧁

  7. Lea

     Happy Birthday thy most highborn of people!  🧁👑

  8. @ AbundantStream Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day!

    1. Lea


      And gratz on Corp!🧁

  9. Happy Birthday @ Big John1 ! Remember touch grass not kids!🧁🤣😎

  10. The dispute system has improved this or given at the very least the opportunity for you to state your side before a ban happens, you can even link your POV clip in it. Support Team members, truly, can not say whether a ban should or should not have happened, especially when they are not allowed to give their opinion on a video clip. As far as allowing other staff members to overrule a ban, there are good reasons as to why this is not allowed and a process to have it reviewed by senior staff. If you are having an issue with meeting up with the admin/staff you could send a single polite message to the person on the forums asking them if they can give you a time frame or make a plan to meet up in TS to discuss. However, I can promise habitual offenders and those being simply rude, impatient, or repeatedly messaging them on all platforms will likely be ignored and rightfully so.
  11. Happy Birthday @ Rafa !!🧁

  12. 🧁Happy Birthday @ DrManoss !

    1. DrManoss


      Thank you! really appreciated 🖤🤟

    2. Commissar_Vito


      yea happy bday simp

  13. Very Happy Birthday to @ Orbit ! You are one annoying little shit, but I have adopted you into the fam! 🧁

  14. Good morning Mr Ghost. I hope you are having a lovely day
    1. Millennium


      I just don't believe this. plenty of good players still talk shit to females

    2. Lea


      @ Millennium I don't think of shit talking as something that negative.. That's just part of gaming. I think this is more about the ones that go out of their way to be rude. 

  15. Happy Birthday friendito! I hope you have a day just as amazing as you are! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩

  16. Happy Birthday Little fysh! 🧁🦄❤️

  17. Congrats arch nemesis @ Fayrel ! Guess you're buying the cupcakes from now on =P

  18. Gratz buddy! 🧁

  19. @ Revy Happy Birthday troublemaker! 😃🧁🧁🧁💜

    1. Lea


      @ Revy You JACKASSALOPE! 🤣🤷‍♀️🦄

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