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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. I think the best way to accomplish this would be to install win10 on the 1TB ssd assuming the win10 you have now isn't on an SSD. But when installing any new program it should ask you where you want to install it. Change the drive letter when it asks you to the one you want.
  2. and this is a lite RP server but then this happens/ LOL
  3. Can you boot to safe mode? is your hard drive light solid color.
  4. Verizon is already capping stream speeds on Netflix and youtube. Freaking assholes, it still has to go to Congress. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/isps-free-discriminate-internet-services,36122.html
  5. Hey I still own one!
  6. Please fix the dang SUV colors in garage. Buy a black SUV, Went to insure it and it only gives the silver option.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      who insures suvs thoo

    3. QKSILVR73


      @Jesse No one has reported this? Wow!! I suppose I'm the whiny one to do it. :P

      Guess I am the only one that uses and insures my SUV @Aunt Jemima I don't like paying extra for more space and tier4 everytime someone blows it up in Kavala ir some jackwagon chops it. :/


    4. QKSILVR73
  7. I use Norton, but I don't visit those Pirate sights or try to get shit for free. That's what a job does.
  8. Dragon's Milk. Good stuff

  9. K thank you for bringing back the page bar :)

    1. QKSILVR73


      that's too much work :P


  10. Stupid computer!! GRR


    1. Sid Vicious

      Sid Vicious

      plz no touch my sneks 

    2. QKSILVR73


      me have no keys to house. Panera sneked them

  11. been there after a server crash lost my gun and taken to HQ. I was pissed. Oh well
  12. Glad you're safe Nixon.
  13. where did the status update page numbers go?


    1. Mighty


      Yea the status update page is way different and i don't like it. Wish i could click on the links without having to go to there profile.

    2. -dante-
  14. I don't play enough to care about my war points. So this is untrue. Now the ones that have a bunch yes this would suck .
  15. someone get this crank guy off the website. Spamming in forumsQ!


  16. Borrrring
  17. Quit buying big guns and getting her big trucks chopped. SUV and pdub=$$$
    1. Augustus


      damn, I was expectin something else 

    2. -dante-


      I absolutely love the spangle bug tbh

    3. QKSILVR73


      This is what I saw, but he didn't die. DeSync anyone?

  18. I agree, but I doubt anyways has a crate with a bunch in them is all I am saying.
  19. LMAO !!!
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