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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. umm no
  2. I guess I am and exploiter WTF. Not sure what I exploited but mmmk. submitted a ticket not that it matters as I won't be able to play again in 3 weeks. Kinda confused lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Muthinator


      Hmmm, send in a ban appeal.

    3. QKSILVR73


      I did. But gotta wait. Ohh the wait. I just want to get back to putting RDMers in jail. Seems all I do that's why I don't know what I did wrong.


    4. QKSILVR73


      So I guess glitching into the jail is exploiting. smh. Oh well. It is what it is. We were just having some fun with the prisoners. :/ I could see if we were using it to benefit ourselves, but we were just having some fun. :/ I'll go hide in my corner now.

  3. Yep yer back we saw that tonight.
  4. Well I see @DocJoe Cornpusherin the mix. So DB must have been up to it.
  5. just wish movie maker rendered in 1440p
  6. How many fps you run?
  7. UMM Yeah ok No thanks. Before starting your Sony Vegas Pro 14 Free Download: Remember to disable any form of antivirus before download [yes, that includes window defender too]. Failure in doing so can cause issues in running the program, after download and installation. All downloads are 100% clean and do not contain any viruses!
  8. Bangin song I heard last night in my Hometown.

    Beat from Mad Decent, Grandtheft - Mobbin feat. Hedspin. Vanilla's Verse 3 of Minutes Of Power and something else and Verse 1 of Prozac. Saw this in Rockford and bangin' song



  9. so what rule was broken exactly?
  10. I think the key to getting views on thread videos is to include Tage on the title

  11. Here is a nice gem http://players.brightcove.net/5107476400001/B1xUkhW8i_default/index.html?videoId=5299628912001
  12. FAlcons!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-
    3. Dangus


      It was a rough game to watch.....


      RIP win streak :( 

    4. Tman15tmb


      I hate the Falcons and the Pats. This year sucks


  13. I usually just Ctrl-alt-delete then sign out. Then log back in. Seems to work for me instead of a reboot
  14. seriously need an admin on late nights uggh RDM'rs logging on killing a few people log off then log on with new name.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bow


      Do those of us in the Europe count even if we aren't in the European Union anymore =)

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I know it's hard but please report em.

      They can't hide from logs, don't care what name it is.

    4. QKSILVR73


      @FluffyTEDDY I agree!!

      yes @Matt The Savage i'm crying. Booohoo all my hard work sitting around Kavala for it to be wrecked. LOL

      @Isaac Newton guess I'll need a new HD soon recording all the time. :P Plus encoding then uploading them and lose all my Atlis Life time LOL

  15. I gave 2 cops the run around for about 30 mins. I would lose them, then turn around for more. They finally got me but I was driving straight to them.. i was bored I guess
  16. Would love to but unfortunately with my work schedule I can't ever progress up the ranks. I only get to play every 3weeks. Same with being a medic. it is what it is.
  17. I just started doing Vigi a couple days ago. Most of the time when I've got someone, they cuss and swear and say something about my Mom. RIP Mom. IF you act that way with me, I run them straight to vigi shop and send them on their way. Most people that I catch don't even try to say why they did something. I gave up a 600k Bounty the other night cause he started telling me why etc.. I could care less about the money. ( I have 31m BTW) All I'm looking for is some RP.
  18. AHHHH lol
  19. yeah another thread I had already made LOL
  20. Thanks did not know that. 《 noob alert》
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