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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. I guess it has been a long time coming for me to put you in your place. At the conclusion of this post, your forum account will be suspended for an undisclosed amount of time. Im going to break down your sad attempt at a roast, and then tell you how I actually feel, ok pumpkin? 1. "we literally talking about unbanning people from a fucking game" The reason we BAN people is because they break rules. We permanently ban people who go above and beyond breaking rules, and they break the actual game. These are cheaters, ddosers, scripters ect. You should know all about these types of people, I mean for fucks sake RP slayer has his hand so far up your ass when he wants to wash his hands you brush your teeth. 2. "I know he senior admin and all and u think everything is just PERFECT but u don't know shit," Thanks for identifying the rank next to my name big boy! I see that the decision to hold you back in 3rd grade until you were 12 was a good idea, you can finally read! In regards to your actual post, I never said anything is perfect, and you will never hear that from any other staff either. We do everything we can to make sure that the server is 3 major things: Fair, Fun, and Balanced. That is why we dedicate thousands of hours of our free time handling all of the tickets, in game drama, out of game drama, community development, rules and regulations, ect. Fair. Fun. Balanced. Or in other words, what your mother is like in bed. 3. "I've been doxed like 27 times and ur clueless ass is saying "let's not be toxic!" Jesus. You have gone full retard here. NEVER GO FULL RETARD. You act like you don't bring on the drama YOU create. Let us take a quick look at some of the last few posts you have made on the forums : OH BABY WE HAVE MORE!!! Lets see what you have said in sidechat! We also can't forget your most recent ban! You complain about toxicity, yet you are literally the cause of a lot of it. 4. "also lets not forget the amount of things that have been said/leaked about staff/other players in other TS's that u will never hear, things that you will never see, you know nothing close to the reality of Olympus" Oh child, if you only knew. When I started on Olympus, you were 8. 8 years old. You had just finished breast feeding and moved onto food that had been processed into Orange Goop. I know that things are said in other TS's. I know there are leaks about personal info, hygiene habits, and even what color bedspread you and your brother share on your bunk beds. Bottom line is, I don't care what happens in the free teamspeak you use to try to get other kids IP adresses. The only thing I care about has been consistent from Day 1 : Making Olympus the Top Arma 3 Altis Life Community in the World. Guess what kiddo? It is. Reality of Olympus? The reality of Olympus is that it is the best Arma 3 Community out there, and its full of players who have dedicated countless hours of their time to make this place their home. They even allowed a kid like you to join it, and you are literally spitting on their efforts. Check yourself Proud, before this Community closes its doors to you. -Peter Long
  2. There WILL be tentacles.
  3. If I see one more post that even appears to be the slightest bit toxic, I am going to officially destroy your forum account. It will be covered in hentai and leaked to your parents. With that being said, this poll is stupid. We aren't going to ever unban people who cheat, or have to Ddos to win because they can't play a VIDEOGAME the way it was meant to be played. I might start a new poll, ban Savage and Proud from the forums or naw?
  4. ABORT
  5. Mcdonalds Im Loving It. McDili
  6. I paid for my bachelor's degree by playing Texas hold em. Y'all are fucked.
  7. Start off with Malwarebytes. Follow with AVG. Its free anti-virus, good for a quick scan. I also reccomend CCleaner. It will clean up a bunch of useless files on your pc, from cookies to bloatware.
  8. Sam, one more post and you are going to be DQ'd. I swear on me mum.
  9. You are actually retarded. Had i left the old bracket, TI wouldn't fight until the Semi-Finals. I had to regenerate the brackets in order to make it fair for everyone. Google it.
  10. Sam, just shut up and blame RNG.
  11. http://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=Wy3ECuQXWZ
  12. I just copied what was submitted #notmyfault
  13. Sorry about the delay. Please Note : Ambition has been disqualified from the Gang Wars due to having multiple members under 150 hours on our servers, and The Snuggle Piglets dropped out. Stay tuned for a new Bracket! Better luck next Gang Wars! The Inactives : 3 Rip Fernando Andrewfam Superiorr Benji Parker Callum Randy Nephew 1eyeandrew Haze Connor McGregor Prime: Connor John Lemmon Oskarr Sonny Asif Envy Redmer Minewarped Hectic Pablo bogroll Gareth Tye MC: Moob Ghostface Felipeee Decimus Arigato Linka the useless cunt RambeR Gafski Orcpoc SALT Leslie EWI Regicide: Sam Xeltini LAst PhizX Egnazio Alex Crunched Viper Duece Ski Mask Matt the Savage Jake Blackwater Inc: Creepy Shibby DRO Boogey Toasty Digit Kaleq Upgrayded Hats Chubby Toussaint Dredd The Great Tree: Orgondo Jaeger Frosty Piner Squid Grandma Ellio MonkeyWrench Bloodmoon Seth Mobster Cats Nightngale Solitude: Joe Ryan Beck ChrisGG Cech Mako Mattias Hurricane Kyle Dominick William Daniel Nova Prime Rib: Jordan540 Falcon Outcast Wong ZoomZoom Fusah Ron Fushigi Dante Ignis Stuuurrt Gomby Plague: Zurph Torsin Apache Dawn Sin White Aunty V3nom Analdo Theroy Buckie JuanDeaged The Mango Republic Mory Brennan Buffalo Bill Noobious Daevon Ludde W33B Snare Chino Eyad Panda mur Note: Subs are not on the list.
  14. Stay safe o7
  15. Don't Forget - GANG WARS LEADER MEETING TONIGHT 8PM EST. Be in TS and I'll have a channel made up for us. 

    1. proud


      U having it as only leader or 2 ppl from each gang, like last time?

    2. obeymatt


      Don’t worry peter I’ll be there 

  16. Fuck Peter. Vote Gary. Also @DeadPool you are the combination of a defective sperm, a walrus, and blue waffle. Don't ever speak again about shit you don't know.
  17. RULES Individuals who have been banned in the past for lag-switching, combat exploiting, or scripts will be disqualified instantly. You may not be currently banned on Olympus Servers if attempting to participate. If you try to evade, your account will be permanently banned, and your teammates disqualified. Rosters must have a minimum of 8 players, with a maximum of 12. Subs lists are restricted to 3 players. If you do not include correct player IDs, your gang will be disqualified. Must be in Olympus TeamSpeak with Gang tags visible by 11:30 AM Est on February 17th, 2018, and in your Gang’s Channel. GANG LEADERS must be present at our meeting on Saturday, Feb 9th, 2018 at 8pm est. If you are not present at this meeting, send your second in command. Only gang leaders will be allowed in the meeting. If nobody shows up for your gang, you are disqualified. At any point during Gang Wars if I feel that a player is out of bounds, exploiting, cheating, or in some way not fulfilling the equal fighting game play intended for Gang Wars, they will be killed, disqualified, and their gang disqualified. This is at my discretion. Any player found impeding the process of Gang Wars in anyway will be subject to administrative action on Olympus Servers. This is at my discretion. Don’t bring on players who are ineligible, banned, or who do not meet the rules stated above. INFORMATION Rosters must be finalized and submitted by Saturday, February 10th, 2018 at 11:00 PM est. When applying, make sure that your player list is complete WITH SUBS AND THEIR PLAYER IDS. Players with less than 150 hours on Olympus entertainment servers WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. This Gang Wars will be our 12th, so we are going BIG on the Winners! 1st place will receive GW Winner tags in TeamSpeak, $20 million in game gang funds, and a billboard in Kavala with a roster list and gang picture taken. 2nd place will receive $12 million in game gang funds The GW will be live streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong/ I will save the VOD on the stream, and upload it to YouTube for people who missed it Submit your Roster HERE – DUE FEB 10th by 11:00 PM EST
  18. Yes more gangs can apply. Again, I am so sorry guys. :/
  19. Gang Wars will have to be pushed back a week or two. I apologize for the inconvenience. Normally we use Server 3 for gang wars, as it has the best protection against ddosing, best performance, and it works really well for Gang Wars. I have always prided the Olympus Gang Wars for being the best organized and most fair Gang Wars out there. Utilizing the best equipment lends itself to a better event. With this being said, we will not be able to use Server 3 this weekend for Gang Wars, as an unforeseen circumstance has popped up, and we will not be able to utilize the server. I want to provide the best event for the community, so delaying the Gang Wars for a short period of time is in the best interests of the entire community, to ensure a fair, fun, and balanced event. Rosters will be opened back up to any and all changes necessary to accommodate for the change in dates for the event. I will make an update once a date has been figured out. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
  20. Gang Wars Leader Meeting  - RESCHEDULED for 1/11/2018 at 8pm est. BE THERE LEADERS!

  21. @Julian if I see flood disaster drills on support team now, I'll remove you. 

    1. iPopsicle


      Wowowowow too soon.

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