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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. ETA on WoW Arena Gang Wars?

  2. ugh... When the shit did PCMLs get in the game
  3. 07, enjoyed the BDO kick we all had for the time it lasted. Enjoy retirement boi
  4. Happy birthday to my boi @PlugMeInPlz don’t go too crazy little bud

    1. PlugMeInPlz


      thanks dog i got alc poisoning btw lol

    2. Orgondo


      That's my boi, been there numerous times. Just drink as much water as you can and puke as much as you can.


  5. A promotion I am actually quite happy about. @RambleR Congrats. Nice to have OGs on the Staff.

  6. Considering a Mk1 is 135k and only 8pts the ifirit would have to be 40-45pts. 50cal 75pts. Strider 100+ Should never and will never be added, this doesn’t need to be full on wasteland
  7. Spawn in that money and we got a deal.
  8. I have a 7.62 Suppressor and a DMS for Potential Sale. Not 100% sure if I want to get rid of them yet but maybe if the price is right i'll part. *Can be sold separately of course* Post your offers on which item and well discuss.
  9. Orgondo

    BUYING Mar-10's

    He’ll more than likely buy all you give. 2-3mil is the price typically, lethals only i believe. He might be taking Tazers though
  10. Imagine how many more kills i would have gotten if there was nades...
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Edge


      Yea, i got unpermed then donated not befor. The money that i chargeback i didn't get back. Poseidon Keep all it and still kept me banned bc i fucked up. Orgondo get you facts right bc you spit shit.  

    3. Orgondo


      O K B U D. Eat shit retard lol

    4. Edge


      Grow up

      People make mistakes and it doesn't Define who they are.

  11. Happy Birthday to the Legend @brodyunderwood1 this man here gave me my first Deputy whitelisting. You sir started the Senior Deputy that I am still to this day. 1.5years of whitelisting for only 49hrs of cop time!

  12. Who made this idiot an admin... https://gyazo.com/172cd8afa96bbe54af4cc7e3cba0a06b

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle
    3. Savage


      @Ignis is backwords text allowed? Spell Racecar backwords :Kappa: 

    4. mur


      looks like a dumb MC bot would do that ;)))

  13. I'm the best part of that clip, Scooby Doo OP
  14. @Isaac Newton buddy you’re already Admin and Head R&R, you don’t need to donate anymore ;) 

  15. Still more relevance than Deadpool
  16. Orgondo


    Bruh you gotta stop making posts when you're mad fucked up
  17. YEAH +1 lets add more places to tell people to kys
  18. olympus-entertainment.com/stats
  19. Fix the Event Manager Menu and I will gladly dedicate time to it.
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