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sleazy turd racoon

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Everything posted by sleazy turd racoon

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071953871
  2. why are things not depsawning on s2 

    1. Millennium


      facts. It was a fun fight at Airport but aids with FPS

  3. Vehicles will now de-spawn if no players are within 150 meters of it Why would this be a thing
  4. these new forum tags are disgusting change them back
  5. Welcome to Olympus! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
  6. Can we not have spawned in armed striders and shit like that. that shit is cancer
  7. Any thoughts on the razer huntsman elite?
  8. Might get the Corsair k 70 mk.2, MX Red or MX Silent
  9. So I am looking for a new keyboard and am looking at either ducky, Corsair or Logitech. any recommendations
  10. can we get weapon discounts

  11. So for a while, I've been using SteelSeries and they are complete shit. The Right click wouldn't always work so I need a new mouse. maybe a logitech or a razer mouse. any good mice out there. maybe small brands
  12. I hear bad boys for life is going to be dope
  13. With a new year comes new movies, What movies are you looking forward to?
  14. This was hadi's plan good planning my brotha @Hadi Mokdad
  15. why the fuck is peter owner what happened to mcdili
  16. Dog shit staff

    1. eggmasta


      +1 cuz whoever else is editing this post is a faggot

    2. -dante-


      Metro would clearly be better admin 

    3. Arigato
  17. You are one real mother fucker You are the shit 07
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