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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. FYI mx tasers are usually closer to 150k
  2. @BoraxCongratz, you can finally be a cop!!!

  3. Just what we were told at the meeting :/
  4. See 1. Denial Criteria 1.2. Threats: Player(s) who have repeatedly threatened to take medical personnel hostage, have previously taken medical personnel hostage, have repeatedly threatened to inflict, or caused, serious bodily harm or death to medical personnel. 2.2. Medics cannot deny services to an entire group based on the actions of one individual within a group or gang. So whoever is sending the texts, verbally threatening medics, or shooting medics can be denied.
  5. That's why we proposed this rule, we just want to be able to leave players near their point of restraint OR near a garage. How does this have anything to do with rp? The only argument here is just about being able to leave someone you robbed where you found them, civ council actually proposed the rule change in the first place to prevent people from being robbed and left in Africa. Like what? A stolen ghosthawk now being any means? A specific hawk being able to return hot through waves? I'm really not sure what you mean by this and how this rule is so "civ sided"
  6. What is Civ Council? The civilian council is a group of prominent members of the community that represent the civilian faction which is broken into the five main areas of the civilian life: cartels, runs, scats, vigis, and feds. The goal of the Civ Council is to give the civilians a voice in the staff meetings. What does the Civ Council do? Every other week, the council meets to discuss ideas or changes that directly affect the civ faction. The following week, the ideas are presented at the staff meeting. An example roundtable blog can be viewed here. You can find the public roster here. The five categories: Cartels: Prominent members of the community who actively fight cartels Runs: Prominent members of the community who actively do lots of runs Scats: Prominent members of the community who stay in cities and kill cops Vigis: Prominent members of the community who are career vigilantes Feds: Prominent members of the community who actively do federal events and love to fight cop Requirements: You must be active on the civilian faction (civ must be your primary faction) You must be able to attend bi-weekly meetings on Sunday at 6pm EST You must be experienced with the area of civilian life that you are applying for You must not have been permanently banned in the past two months Your application must be properly formatted and well thought out. Low effort apps will not be accepted (we’re not the APD, you can’t just write “I want to be civ council”) How to apply: Click "Support" in the bar at the top of the website. Next click "New Request" Make sure the department is set to "Civilian Council Application" Fill out and complete the rest of the application and submit. Application format Your application must have a properly formatted title, or it will be denied. Please use the following: “<Name> - Civ Council <department>”, for example “DeadPooL - Civ Council Feds In your application, include what would make you a good fit for the council in general and specifically for the council section you are applying for. This should be a well thought out and detailed response. You must include a few detailed ideas or changes that you would propose should you be accepted. Most of these ideas should be specific to the area of your application, but a couple of general ideas are also acceptable. If you have previously submitted an application and had it denied, you are welcome to reapply after two weeks. If you have been removed from civ council in the past and would like to rejoin, you can apply two months after your removal. If you have any questions, feel free to send @Head Civilian Council a PM
  7. The idea was to prevent people from being brought from Kavala to east bumblefuck. If someone's already in east bumblefuck, we shouldn't be responsible for driving them to where they want to go. The idea that got proposed and approved was something like "hostages must be released near a garage or point of restraint" which didn't force us to become taxis, but it was changed and I'm not sure why.
  8. Yeah, staff still didn't want it until next gang wars though.
  9. How is denying you from Kavala any different than everybody at coke pro, or any other location on the map, except that there are more requests there? Spoiler alert, it's not. Unfortunately telling a medic not to revive individuals becomes impractical quickly when fighting a large group of people, and the only way to ensure there isn't a medic sneakily reviving the enemy is to remove them from the situation entirely.
  10. Revert it. As long as the pilot is texted, there's no reason for anyone with the given tag to not be able to titan. Why should I have to say "land or be titaned by [DB] Dave, [DB] John, etc" Note that the pilot still must be texted in either version.
  11. Scats Council (@Mr Majestic@Unjo@John Wayne) Gang shed should be easier to access/use from all sides equally, really only a areas on the outside where you can access the inventory. Also says "too far away" when you try to pull something out when standing in certain spots - APPROVED Move Kavala square garage NPC out of that tree that always gets knocked down or remove the tree (screenshot). Dude is invisible and pretty aids for new players to figure out what's going on - APPROVED Move city spawns to be closer to any garage in the city - running without redgull is aids - DENIED, Ares wants scats to have leg day Runs Council (@Bloodmoon@Zahzi@Mudiwa@Deluxe@Cutie (QT)) Push option for planes if you have keys - APPROVED Make medical assistance fill your hunger and thirst at clinic/hospital - APPROVED Vigi Council (@CorNfLower@|REAL| Boing@bioshock12391@~FLO~Alex) Add non-dlc vigi uniform so vigis don't get pop-ups - APPROVED If a player is tazed while escorting, the player being escorted should be dropped - APPROVED Notification if somebody you restrain combat log- APPROVED Feds Council (@Kamikaze@Civak@rabeed@an overweight giant retard) Change the buyhut inside BW dome to a normal buyhut instead of medical to provide extra cover in the dome - POSTPONED until next update hits with deerstand changes Remove the poles/lights at blackwater heli spawn pad (not HQ) to make it a little bit easier to take off in a heli - APPROVED If a vehicle owner gives someone keys that person can access the repair option at service - DENIED because too complex for devs Change "If a Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it" to only be stolen APD hawks since otherwise, it makes it near impossible to acquire a civ hawk from BW - APPROVED Cartels Council (@swervy@Jimmy Jarvis@nomadox@thor@genesis) Gang wars winner title - POSTPONED until next gang wars, because the winners are banned Add dopamine to every clinic - DENIED because dopamine should be more than a small inconvenience, promotes map activity. Increase max people increasing cap speed to 6 - DENIED, cartels don't need to be easier to cap
  12. @p a t Scammer down, cy@

  13. That's what we get for trusting @Mudiwa to count properly I guess. This has since been adjusted to be from 4->3, forgot to update this post though.
  14. Currently looking to fill open civ council slots. We need 1x cartel, 1x fed, 3x vigi, 2x scat. If you're interested, please apply.


  15. The uhh... Paypal "donations" to other players after he felt bad that they lost large bets to him in game. He's done it to quite a few people. Lots of people. He stole his daddy's credit card and it got marked as fraud.
  16. ATTN Vigilantes: If you feel like you could represent the vigilante community, please consider applying for civ council. We are looking for 2-3 representatives.

    Details here: 



  17. Civ Roundtable Scats (@Mr Majestic@Unjo@John Wayne) Make contraband persist through restart/death, or a virtual item with weight 0 (TBD by devs). Contraband will be cleared when out of jail. This will help when server restarts. - PASSED More custom clothing - PASSED Runs (@Bloodmoon@Zahzi@Mudiwa@Deluxe) Decrease the weight of turtles from 10 to 8 (4 to 3) since they were nerfed when SDV storage was decreased and are currently outperformed by salvage, which is legal and afk (stats) - PASSED Buff glass price 10%, fish 50%, apples and peaches 100% (stats) - PASSED Move city vendors closer together (like in Kavala) so it’s not aids when you need to buy a backpack, toolkit, and virtuals - PASSED Custom sorting in garages, similar to how custom sorting works for houses - PASSED Cartels (@swervy@NokiaStrong@thor@Jimmy Jarvis@nomadox) Add NATO pilot coveralls for civs- DENIED because they are already being used by medics Cops on cartel cap should show as contesting the same way vigis do - PASSED Naked players should not lose warpoints - DENIED due to potential abuse Feds (@Kamikaze@Civak@Bojo@rabeed) Replace slam mine spawns in Blackwater with IED (dugin) - DENIED Show bank balance when receiving a ticket - PASSED Add titles for repairing vehicles. 10 repairs: 5% chance of not using toolkit/title name: Mechanically Retarded 50 repairs 10% chance of not using toolkit/title name: Scrapyard Scrounger 100 repairs 10% chance of not using toolkit vehicles pulled spawn with 1 toolkit/title name: Duct Tape Doctor 250 repairs 15% chance of not using toolkit vehicles pulled spawn with 1 toolkit/title name: Deadpool or Hick POSTPONED because nobody liked the names. Ideas are welcome. Vigi (@CorNfLower@|REAL| Boing) Change minimum arrest amount from 75k to 120k - DENIED, vigis don’t need any more nerfing right now APD Roundtable Give stings to deputies again - PASSED because SAPD feels deputies are too weak. And @Pledge witnessed two deputies fail to tase somebody in a bush. Make bipods legal so APD doesn’t get confused - PASSED R&R Roundtable Revert the change from the last meeting that was going to prevent medics from receiving wire transfers - PASSED
  18. If I see another post about hatchbacks on cap and cleanup script then I'm not fixing it.

    E A R N  T O  R E A D

    1. Panda :)
    2. destruct


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