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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. Yes If they hold for 25m They spawn with their gear, but if they chose warzone they would have the warzone gear penalty. The APD will choose a location at the beginning of the event. It's up to the online APD members to figure out how they want to do that.
  2. Hold Out Event Event Description The APD can pick any location to defend except police HQ's or federal event areas. They will have 25 minutes to hold this area (to win) and are allowed to use every cop slot on the server (20 players). The APD can use anything available at their rank BESIDES GHOST HAWKS, ARMED HURONS AND ARMED PLANES. If a group/gang wipes the cops in the zone, a 20 minute timer will begin. The group must hold the point for 20 minutes to win. If control of the cap is lost, progress will be saved but with a 5 minute penalty. Cop Rules Cannot choose to defend HQs or federal event areas The APD can only return to the Hold Out Zone in waves Cannot use ghost hawks, armed planes, or armed hurons Up to 20 participants All cops must be use lethal force only (PO lethals authorized, deputies should be dropped SDARs) Civilian rules Cannot use ghost hawks, armed planes, or armed hurons NLR does not apply Can work together as a whole or in small groups/gangs Players working together must wear a common tag (to help us tell who controls the point) No tasers at the holdout zone Vigilantes cannot camp the town/rebel nearest to the holdout zone All players within 1.5km of the zone are KOS Rewards Raffle AT Off road [x1] $2 million in game [x4] 7.62 suppressor [x2] 100 Warpoints [x3] Money 20m split between the whole gang/group or APD. The winning team may choose to have the raffle items randomly given to players, or have the money evenly distributed. The players on the winning team will be determined by who has the tag of the winning team (no tag => no reward). Time & Server The event will take place on Friday 2020-05-29 @ 6PM EST on server 1 Remember this is a test run for this event. Things might be unbalanced, so feedback is welcomed & encouraged after the event! Huge shoutout to @Zurph for the idea and working out the details.
  3. Poll will be unlocked for voting the scheduled day of the conquest event: https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/stats/conquest/poll/
  4. Poll will be unlocked for voting the scheduled day of the conquest event: https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/stats/conquest/poll/
  5. Poll will be unlocked for voting the scheduled day of the conquest event: https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/stats/conquest/poll/
    1. Mighty


      Did you end up going with the 5 min refresh?

    2. Zahzi


      1 minute ago, Mighty said:

      Did you end up going with the 5 min refresh?

      The cap progress is only saved every 5 minutes and the page is cached for 5 minutes, so data will be accurate somewhere between 5-10 minutes.

    3. zoomzooooooom


      i wonder how this one will break 🤔

  6. @Cyanide This man just exposed you
  7. After bleeding out 1km from a hospital while seeing a medic asking for and making bets in chat, this shouldn't ever be added back. If you want to feed your gambling addiction in square, play civ.
  8. Neo vigi should be moved further from Therisa, change my mind.

  9. Pretty simple: should I add a page that shows the current cap percentages and owners of cartels on all servers? It would update once every ~5m. This used to be a feature on the old stats page (back in like 2015 or something), but disappeared when we switched away from Fedot's stats page. @Silton suggested adding it back, and i want to gauge interest.
  10. Winners Custom icon winners, send me a PM. You can pick pretty much anything that isn't overly offensive (racist, etc). The image must be a PNG or SVG with a transparent background and the icon itself must only have one color (will not appear colored in game). Icon pack winners should have the redemptions already available in game. Custom Icon @Flex Offender @evannnn @Thick Mans @Derek @SPBojo 50-Pack @Capricorns @Lil Savage @Mighty @Bodean @Dominic22B 25-Pack @Regal @PurgEe @SlumDog @1-800TryHards @diondro299d
  11. Server 2, forgot to put it in the post.
  12. Whoever has their name on the cap at 7pm EST will win
  13. Zahzi

    KOTH Event

  14. Event Description This event will be Held at Arms dealer cartel (OG). The Event will start at 6:00PM EST on server 2 and the team that has the cartel captured at 7:00PM EST will be the winners (whichever gang has their name on the cap wins, cap percentage does not matter). Rewards 10 million sent to gang funds. Note: We are going to start doing more smaller events, so feedback is welcomed and encouraged. Shoutout to @Zurph for suggesting and assisting in the moderation of this event.
  15. Stats page has been updated to have war kills as a default sort option on the top page

    1. Kedar


      ⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠿⠟⣁⣴⣾⣿⣿⠿⠿⣛⣋⣥⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⡀

    2. Bloodmoon


      ⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠿⠟⣁⣴⣾⣿⣿⠿⠿⣛⣋⣥⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⡀

  16. Spoiler



  17. https://www.strawpoll.me/20092546
  18. https://www.strawpoll.me/20092545
  19. https://www.strawpoll.me/20092543
  20. @i win would never have been this late to post!
  21. Why does the video need to be reviewed on the spot instead of in a ticket at a later date? Why does it matter that the dude gets banned ASAP? It's a lot more efficient to sit down and do a bunch of tickets than wait for people to join teamspeak and have a problem. If somebody messages me to spectate someone, I'll almost hop on and spectate if I'm not busy (usually for scripting, etc). Randomly spectating people isn't really productive, and most server rule breaks can't be resolved with spectate because a lot of context is missed (engagement, etc).
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