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Everything posted by Adaptation

  1. I didn't see this coming man -,- I hate to see you go, always remember you will always be my comrade in battle
  2.  I want server events more often or I will riot!!!!

  3. Well I guess that was a fiery start
  4.  Cops are OP now and days! Virus would be proud!

    1. Virus1


      I dont think the APD would have these toys if I was in a position to use them.

  5. I miss her too
  6. Let him process and then rob him
  7. Rolf
  8. Day 392: Still no sign of life :( Its only a matter of days until I run out of food and water. Please call out if you are alive!

  9.  #WeWantChainsBack Is it just me or do you guys also want chains back, He was one of the greatest helicopters flyer's and one good cop!! Spread the word! #WeWantChainsBack. And carl!!!! 

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      what have you been smoking? Chains did not follow orders at all, and had to argue with every little thing the higher ups said, did not matter if you where a po or the friggin Chief, he was going to argue and ask why if he got told to do something 

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I only dealt with him once as CIV.  I can't judge him because of that one mistake he made.  I don't know why he got taken of the server afterwards though.  I'm guessing he kept making the same mistakes. 

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Enough of this. It stops here. Stop picking on people who can't fight back. I'm disappointed in you guys. 

  10. That moment when we talk shit to each other threw talking threw side chat
  11.  The scariest part about playing on this server is not knowing what you are getting yourself into... 

  12. Pointless thread..... You should be ashamed of yourself!
  13.  Its all fun and games until somebody dies -,- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8j07HsvgdQ&feature=youtu.be

    1. Big B

      Big B

      The flaming car of karma

    2. BENJI


      I've said it many many many times, those fences are killers I tell you

    3. cuzzicann


      2 things I hate listening to my damn voice in recordings... and also anyone notice all the cars are gone

  14.  If I cant use lethal's as a cop, I guess I got to use lethal's as a civ more often! #TheComeBackPCP...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dustin87
    3. Adaptation


      I lost all hope in a promotion... I never even found out what i did wrong not to get it 

    4. Dustin87


      You still drive SUV's.

  15.  Understand one thing. There can be only 3 Detectives on the APD force! Me, Ian and Thomas! #DetectiveSquad I am the one and only orginal Detective

  16.  That moment when you have nothing else to do but to chase after MC for 3 hours on cop non-stop killing/Tasing them. -,- It was a good fight, We almost had you at the end of it... We was so close

    1. TheRealKyle


      MC, TI, cloak, huskers, winters, and dustin*

    1. Dustin87


      Shit song by shit artist what a shit show.

  17. Adaptation


    Welcome donny, Me myself is involved with the APD and R&R side of things. If you have any questions ask there here. Once again welcome to the community
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKAFK5djSk
  19.  As A medic and a APD member I like to think of myself as being irreplaceable :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thomas
    3. Adaptation


       All of you guys should think that way, There are many other people who could be in your role as a player as a medic or APD :D Take every moment to do your best/ Act better than others/Best behavior .

    4. mrcorey1234


      I like to think my self as Coollllllll

  20. Hey man welcome to the community
  21. Am I missing something here? All our medics is awesome!
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