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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. o7
  2. @ Lea  Happy Birthday!!! 🥳🧁

  3. @ Clover  Welcome back to SQF 🙂!

  4. I did not know much about SQF when I first applied for development but @ Doc took a chance on me and said yes.

    During my early months in development Doc would absolutely annihilate my pull requests with review changes but each and every single one of those taught me lessons that I can 100% say made me a better dev for it.

    Thank you for all your hard work, dedication and mentorship. The server truly thrived from your dedication and I would not be half the dev I am without it.



  5. @ xsmitherz  Happy Birthday!!!! 🙂🥳🎂

  6. @ hawk  Tuah Happy Birthday!!! 🥳

  7. I mean realistically it is just not intended game play mechanics. Civilians cannot get inside via a natural means like a door or gate. Civilians cannot land a helicopter inside without being shot down from AA. They would have to plant a blasting charge which the majority of civilians likely won't have on them. Civilians could use a van to jump over but would have no way of getting out or freeing the player in restraints. From my understanding no one involved on the APD was banned for this and @ Zeuse said- he does intend on fixing this issue. Also for what it is worth- at least one SAPD admin has condemned this as an unintended and broken game-play mechanic and agreed it needed fixed. No foul on either side since it was generally unprecedented but just something that needs to be fixed.
  8. @ Camper  Happy Birthday!! 🙂🎈

  9. @ Welshy  Happy Birthday!!

  10. Milo

    o7 - Noble

    I definitely do regret quite how much we bickered. I feel like Discord/Forums conversations kinda filter the tone and context of stuff and I think our TS conversations were far better. I appreciate you batting for me when it came to me dropping my app and all the knowledge you've shared with me after. To finally answer your question though: 158.4lbs (not soaking wet) haha All seriousness though o7- wishing you the best in life
  11. @ -dante-  Happy Birthday!!! 🙂🎂🎈

  12. Although you never even insinuated anything that would violate our policy- would just like to link it here since we are very strict on it and I feel like people tend to unknowingly make illicit offers on posts like these. Anyways very cool though
  13. @ GracieGirl  Happy Birthday!!! 🙂🎂

    1. GracieGirl


      THANK YOU ILY Happy Little Girl GIF by Demic

  14. @ Doke  Congrats on Senior Designer!!

    1. Doke


      Thanks bro!

  15. @ Decimus  @ Franxx  Happy Birthday!!! 🙂🎂

  16. We love Peapay appreciation
  17. @ Mark  Welcome to web!


    1. Camper


      Nothing but great things from a CCP member 🇨🇳 @ Mark

  18. Too many names to drop but congrats pookies!!

    1. -dante-


      the man who yaps up 5 paragraph statements (20 min typing per paragraph) cant @ a few names! wowowwowowowow

    2. xsmitherz


      I was looking forward to my paragraph 😕

    3. LateWeevil
  19. @ WALT  Happy birthday 🙂!!!

  20. @ Mako  Happy Birthday 🙂🎂!!!

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