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Status Updates posted by Tiger

  1. We wont support you @ Jazzy

  2. Renting the Prime gang base for 10m a week.

  3. Yes! Winter Chernarus

  4. Hey guys can I get unbanned now?

  5. Prime OGs wiping olympus

    1. proud
    2. McLovin'


      nothing out of the ordinary then

  6. Han Solo dies

    1. Skys


      shit now end game is spoiled for me

    2. proud
  7. Yeah I bet they don’t have the balls to do it again 

  8. Is it really a cheat if its a steam workshop mod? Is it really?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. bdj


      two times in a row disqualified

      when will they learn

    3. Tiger
    4. bdj
  9. come fight us on s3 there is literally no competition123

  10. free pablo he didnt do anything wrong except slapping TI

  11. Good fights everyone. Thanks to @Peter Long for hosting was fun

    1. silton


      ez for boolinson boys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tiger


      it got tp'd out

      so Prime owns the first ghost hawk reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    3. Savage


      Jesse why tf was the hawk IN the bomb room :lol:

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Ghost Hawk is so strong we had to balance it by making the removal of it from the dome an additional hurdle to overcome.  You're welcome.

  12. Today I woke up and decided I want to die

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Real House

      Real House

      I can help if you want all you have to do is ask B)

    3. xDRO
  13. @Goodman comming in with the clutch

    1. Goodman




  14. Grats @TheRealKyle I still dont like you tho

  15. Selling gang wars carry

    1. Tom


      I told you not to tell anyone

    2. Tiger
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