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Everything posted by SystemChips

  1. Instead of making cops want to do banks yall just made civs not want to do them either LUL. Great moves boys keep the updates coming. At least should have done @Mr Majestic idea and give them a closer spawn.
  2. Anyone else think banks/pharmas should be made required to respond to from cops? You can chain 3 banks without a single cop coming and make easy money. Ruins the economy and roleplay. 

  3. @Shotime923 congrats brother well deserved

  4. Maybe I should redirect my post then I'm just wondering if we could give corps a differently designed vest. @ThatNerdyGuy The blue APD vest works on POs because POs get a blue shirt as shown here Now Imagine putting that on corps with the red/yellow/black shirts it looks retarded Options from best to worst: Script a new carrier lite that is armor level 2 for corps+ Design the apd vest to at least be black or something Use another armor level 2 vest from arma I'm fine with the worse vest and less armor. All the APD nerfs I think they are pretty fair as the APD is strong, but just dont make my drip game weak.
  5. My bad I thought that was all civ council. Hopefully some sAPD/Staff can see some reason to this because I dont really understand
  6. This is a fat yikes no cap @Mr Majestic
  7. Honestly I really don't mind any of the APD nerfs except the vest. Not even for the protection but the carrier lite just looks so much better than the blue PO vest with all of the corporal uniforms. Please give us a different vest / design something / BEST OPTION: script the carrier lite to armor level 2 I think it just looks good honestly, but I do agree cops are strong on this server so the nerfs are pretty fair.
  8. Thinking about copping myself 9700k upgrade from 4790k i have rn. Anyone else making an upgrade like this or have an idea of how much a performance increase it would give me in this godforsaken game we play

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Revise


      Or you could get a 3700x / 3800x 

    3. swrvy
    4. Azeh


      @Xlax Not necessarily true. RAM speed matters for some games. Arma being one.

  9. this christmas lets just unban everyone i miss the fights the cheaters barely knew combat stance anyway

  10. Buckie is a professional at these things by now def should be support team +1
  11. What is the update I'm downloading that just rolled out like 10 min ago.

  12. Bump fuckers and it cant be some athira or sofia rebel bs any other rebel is fine ty
  13. Damn I miss the round joel but we will take what we can get. Hop in TS sometime brother its been so long
  14. The Real Real Joel?
  15. 5 mil
  16. Enter please big hype
  17. I have money and don't want to spend my time looking around in game. Looking for either a <500m walk or a house next to garage not far from rebel or a house garage thing within <2km of rebel Lmk
  18. THIS ^^^^. Everyone in this thread is talking about nerfing the money cop earns to reduce playersize but I don't think that will have a real impact at all. I think there just needs to be more gangs or more things to grind on civ. Nerf the amount of money I get on cop I'll just play more cop, but give me some fights or something new or interesting to do on civ and maybe I'll hop on there. I understand this isn't an easy solution but I do think Bill is right on the money here with why so many people play cop these days and isn't all about the money.
  19. What he is proposing would likely cause an increase in the price of the tractor as well. Kinda makes sense and if it doesn't have much of an inventory and it is slow I think it is not a bad idea to give some use of the tractor and variety in runs. Idea needs touching up but could go somewhere +1
  20. Is escape from Tarkov worth?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ravin


      @Strae Like your just hating because im beautiful

    3. SystemChips


      @Ravin :) ty I might buy it soon but ima watch it a bit if u say the biggest package is really worth. $100 more just for some bank room and clout thats really worth?

    4. Skorch


      gameplay is super slow and somewhat methodical.

      fights are intense, but generally running and gunning will get u killed

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