I really like the idea of a banks, Maybe not in every major city but one in pyrgos and kavala that wouldnt give as much as a fed but was easier for civs.
Pilot helmets would be a great addition/donation goal since only legacy donators have them currently and they are amazing after the tanoa update I think it was.
I'm not sure about more cartels, either that or rotating ones would be awesome since really the only cap people currently fight is moonshine and there is some others places that aren't bad to fight.
MXCs for civs wouldnt be bad as a vigi gun since theirs currently sucks.
I would say no to go karts because they are only available to legacy donators and most of their stuff is being givin away to everyone through donation goals but I dont think go karts should since they dont really affect gameplay and they still need somethings to steer them apart from everyone else.
I have no clue whats up with kidney stealing and knocking people out but maybe if a decent system was implemented that was fair
are track suits even a thing in arma?
auction house is being worked on currently so yeah.