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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. @Jesse 

    Would it be a neat idea if we were able to buy these houses? They could cost like 350k and only be a spawn point with like 100 storage.ed3bc4d77657df1f91c536de0ddddd30.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phizx


      Who cares if we're copying Asylum? Kobe must've been retarded for playing like Michael Jordan, you know, following the best player in the league only to become on himself. With our 10x better host and less lag, and some of asylums ideas our server can be fucking flawless @Jesse

    3. JoeL


      There is a lot of these houses by rebels that's why I want it : p

    4. Muthinator


      11 minutes ago, Phizx said:

       leave leave leave leave leave leave

      No No No No No No No

  2. Will sell you 30 for 1.2M
  3. If one more medic makes me black screen imma be pissed.

  4. Same
  5. Might want to mention which vest/uniform like Rank wise.
  6. 23e391b5d360757025639690a9fa1426.png That is the amount of money in total of csgo bets i've taken part in.


    This is how much I'm down.

    Don't be like me :(( 

    This is only one steam account out of like 3.

    1. bigSMOKE


      that's why when I won a 1k pot I cashed out and turned on hacks and vac banner myself to end my addiction. 

    2. JoeL


      @bigSMOKE I thought about removing my mobile authenticator a couple times.

  7. Shadowplay, Sony Vegas Pro 13-14
  8. Buying S2 Rebel houses/Garages 

    Will pay 5+ mill depending on location.

  9. 500k
  10. Funniest thing I've read all day +1
  11. Yes, the classic American meal-on-the-go is wrapped in bread, smeared with condiments and eaten as a patriotic alternative to, say, a hamburger. But a hot dog is not a sandwich, according to an official press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.Nov 7, 2015
  12. What you pay $500 a month for that internet lol.
  13. 46e45ee58ceae0824796c0fad2806891.png

    Trading/Selling offer quick before I bet it away!

    1. Ham


      I'll give you the inventory you made me lose...

    2. Mr Kevin
    3. savage (;

      savage (;

      ill fuck you in your ass ;)

  14. 5 mill
  15. Just like the patriots loved to shit on the falcons.
  16. That doesn't count. It was only for 2 hours.
  17. I'm 10+ months deap with no bans... unless I got banned in the periods I didn't play.
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