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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. So I put a 1070 in my pc just because but now I'm starting to notice i'm getting way less fps than before... Could it be that I need a new processor which I plan to get anyway (current i5 4690k) or that it's a multithread card and my other one wasn't? 

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    1. BENJI


      Arma 3 is very cpu based, so your CPU might have something to do with it. But it could also be some configuring you might need to do. idk, but your gpu isn't gonna give a significant boost to fps.

    2. Auri


      i upgraded from a 745 to 970 i had the same thing in time i started getting 20 fps better. took about a week. no clue why.

  2. Just dropped my IPhone 7 in the toilet... Thank god it's waterproof. 

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    1. CheeseGrater
    2. Augustus


      are you advertising or something 

    3. JoeL


      @Augustus No I actually dropped my phone in the toilet lol. 

  3. Pink lemonade taste better because it's pink.
  4. "Just because it says Screenshots in the videos & screenshot section doesnt mean you post fuckin screenshots" - DeNiaL

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  5. I just miss when things were simple... No texture bugs, No tanking, Big towers, nobody was really toxic. 

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danger



    3. JoeL


      @Fuzy You're a mean fellow. 

    4. Danger


      Joel come visit deputy danger in kavala later...like old times

  6. For the stats page in game do the arrest go for Cop & Vigi or Just cop?

    Same for revs does that count epi's or medic revs too?

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    1. Fuzy


      Cop and Medic

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      And vigi I'm not a cop  yet I've arrested 5 people 

  7. Hmmm... Wish I could follow these guidelines.
  8. So who's Vacant? 

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      No it's not you. It's Wong.

    3. Ahmed99


      It is me, my mom told me I was sergeant so I believe my mom more than you

    4. Dangus


      Oh... well shit.

  9. Two different gang wars... Gang Wars VIII : For The Worthy will be fought on December 17th, 2016 @3pm est. Olympus & Asylum Hosted Gang Wars in January of 2017 Gang Wars IX : The Great War
  10. I come back home to snow. :(

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    1. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      I must be the only person on Olympus who likes winter!

  11. Interview is easy. Just know the rules.
  12. JoeL

    New PC again.

    I was thinking about upgrading to a 1080 thoughts?
  13. <3
  14. Chief Commissioner 

    It's something different...

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  15. Congratulations on Chief Moob, very nice changes and Congrats to @G.O.A.T. @Gibbs on their promotions as well!
  16. Ohhhhhhhhh now it makes sense, but this isn't about me.
  17. Even though you would never unblacklist me and you called me a fat bridge nosed faggot I always thought you were a great chief. You showed so much respect for the Apd, you also put so much effort into achieving what you did. I wouldn't of chosen anybody but you to take that position. o7
  18. Ayy she's my Grandma.
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