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Everything posted by Wong

  1. I got food poisoning from chick-fil-a -1
  2. I didn't get the one thing I wanted for Christmas Just wanted an exacto knife to do calligraphy on my arms with...
  3. Hear me out... make a van skin that has the FORTNITE battle royal battle bus skin on it
  4. So I just bought this new gaming laptop and installed TS. When I got to set a hotkey in TS it will not work. I can set the key I want but when I click it in TS it will not do anything and I have tried multiple different keys. Anyone have any ideas??
  5. https://gyazo.com/993bc5facacd8ed819ed061d9ac5a731 https://gyazo.com/d917b336785f9fd74aef9a55ee488d3f https://gyazo.com/24c8afe12b6f058ec4b712a8575132e1 https://gyazo.com/34b3ce141bde1d00b68b2a8290df1126 No words are needed for this truly compelling story. 07 you will be missed dearly
  6. Yeah I stepped down later babes!



































    P.S. Fuck you @Pledge you suck ass and you were a lot cooler person before you became a massive brown-nosing power hungry bitch :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      usually only see apd as massive cockriding fags +1 respect for this one

    3. -dante-


      Hahahahaha anyone who @s pledge is good in my book 

    4. KrispyK


      jeeesus ilu wong

  7. Anyone looking to play some vanilla ARK?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arigato


      Yeah, I’ve had it installed for a month now and haven’t touched it

    3. -dante-


      If someone buys it for me I’ll punch dinosaurs 

    4. Apathy


      Ill play... You gotta be patient though since I have had it installed for around 2 months and havnt even started the damn game.

  8. APD Coin Flips or Riot

  9. this looks like prime time for memein on kids
  10. In the long while that I have been apart of the APD I never thought I would make it to sAPD I want to throw a huge thanks out to everyone that helped me out on my journey through the APD. I look forward to be able to do the same for many others.

    1. Savage


      thats what badger said right as he got sergeant :Kappa: 

    2. Savage


      no hate intented just memeing

    3. Wong


      @Savage this is my way of +1ing you bud

  11. I can promise you that none of that happened on my end xD
  12. My suggestion is take a go cart with you and the bois and take lift off when you see someone coming
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